Archive for February, 2013

Balearic Islands

Balearic Islands (Islas Baleares) – a small archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, belonging to Spain. The capital of the archipelago – the city of Palma de Mallorca (Palma de Mallorca). As of 2005 on the islands resides 938,000 people. The largest islands Balearic archipelago (Islas Baleares) – Ibiza (Ibiza), Majorca (Mallorca), Minorca (Menorca) and Formentera (Formentera). The most famous of them – Ibiza, often called the "discotheque in Europe." There is a huge number of nightclubs and discos, where round Year "detached" youth from around the world.

Dreams of living on the island? Pay attention to the Balearic archipelago – the choice of real estate is wide, and environmental conditions are optimal for recreation and residence. Island Ibiza (Ibiza) Ibiza (Ibiza) – third largest island in the Balearic archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. Located 90 km from mainland Spain. Belongs to Spain. Ibiza fame brings numerous nightclubs, where rests fashionable Young people from around the world. As of the 2005 Ibiza resident 111,107 people. The island – 571, 04 km2.

The administrative center of the island is the town of Ibiza. Winter on the island is mild, and summers are dry but not hot. The average annual Temperature – +17,5 C. In summer the temperature reaches +25 C, and winter does not fall below +11 C. The average annual precipitation is about 350 mm of rain. Ibiza 58 beaches for every taste: equipped with a wide range of additional services, absolutely wild, suitable for water sports.

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Pablo Freire

When it is said while still alive pertaining to school and society, does not have as not to cite the master Pablo Freire (1999), when it says that the alone education does not transform the society, without it neither the dumb society. If option is progressive, if it is not in favor of the life and not of the death, the fairness and not of the injustice, the right and not of the will, the convivncia with the different one and not of its negation, another way is not had if not to live the option that if it chose. To incarnate it, diminishing, thus, in the distance between what one says and what becomes. As if it can observe, the relation family X school requires, then, of the professors a taking of conscience of that, the meetings based on subjects theoreticians to speak of the problems of the educandos, on low notes, do not provide a beginning of partnership. In a question-answer forum John Savignano was the first to reply. The school must search to construct by means of an elaborated and conscientious intervention the creation of reflection spaces and experiences of life in an educative community, instituting above all the approach between the two institutions (family-school). In the only Paragraph of Chapter IV of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (BRAZIL, 1990), it says that ' ' he is right of the responsible parents or to have science of the pedagogical process, as well as participating of the definition of the proposals educacionais' ' , that is, to bring the families for the pertaining to school conviviality already is prescribed in the Statute of the Child and of the Adolescent what this lacking is to materialize it, it is to put the Law in practical. Family and school are abutments to the human being; they are signals of existencial reference. How much better it will be the partnership between both, more significant will be the results in the formation of educating/son.

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For the professors it is not clearly what it can be a geographic education, because acentuadamente is even related who in the initial years are important to enable the pupils to the reading, writing, and accomplishment of the four operations. Of the depositions the exception is expressive of that Geography if restricts to one few activities to make mockups, to construct passages, to draw plants of the room, the school, the room. More serious is the affirmation that not necessarily is needed to take in account the sizes and the distances, that the important one is to make the drawings. It does not have, therefore attention with the scale, the legend and nor with the social matters that can happen of the done constataes. They also affirm that the existing material is not adjusted and that in the majority of the organized cases they inexist of form information necessary to carry through the planning of education; Although in the legislation it is defined that they are contents important to be worked has much difficulty in giving account in significant way for the work with the related contents.

The PCNs defines that for the first cycle, ' ' the study of Geography it must mainly approach relative questions to the presence and the paper of the nature and its relation with the action of the individuals, of social groups e, general form, the society in the construction of the geographic space. For in such a way, the local landscape and the lived space are the references it professor to organize its trabalho.' ' (P. 127) ' ' In as the cycle, the study of Geography it must mainly approach the different relations between the cities and the field in its social, cultural and ambient dimensions and considering the paper of the work, the technologies, the information, the communication and the transport.

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