Archive for December, 2013

United States

It begins to make a literature of the revolution, but also a revolution in literature. The horizontal narrative history jumps made pieces, to make way for the superposition of both spatial and temporal levels: Green dixit House. Thus, as old structures are falling, are emerging new ones. On the other hand, the need for a linguistic experimentation produces the beautiful realization of a new literary Baroque, but not detached from reality. They are shining examples of this construction, Paradiso, Lezama Lima, 62. Model to assemble, Cortazar’s, not to mention of hopscotch that time, constitutes a kind of factotum of experimentation, CITES forced critics and pattern of novice writers. At 62, the author is outwardly confront the behaviors of a group of alienated men seeking another access to the world. This external search in the plane of the characters is also an aesthetic quest faced the proustian European model.

It is an enrichment of what a previous Venezuelan, as Romulo Gallegos, had already raised in the relativity of the concepts verdad-mentira. Such amplification of levels of reality also makes that reality agigante and enrich the manifestation known as magical realism. Gabriel Garcia Marquez has the baton, because that magicidad is inherent in Latin American culture, happy syncretism between conquering, and conquered civilizations between different visions of world of ethnic inhabitants. In other words. Macondo, where anything can happen, is a referential paradigm of our America.

VA. phenomenon had already been, theoretically, overtaken by Alejo Carpentier. Equally it could refer an optic appeared, direct heiress model proustian and expression problems men (and women) of course. The tunnel and on heroes and tombs, Sabato; The truce and spring with a broken corner, de Benedetti, examples that first come to mind. On the other hand, the policy response of the United States of America to the phenomenon, also politician, Cuban generated the so-called doctrine of the Security (safety for whom? we ask us).

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Ukraine Housing

Furthermore, it should be prepared to ensure that service companies: water-supply, electrical and more attention will be given a large housing estate and then to you. It especially true in the case of liquidation of consequences of bad weather, etc. We have considered three options, which may interest the buyer: – new buildings – apartment b / a – house in the city. We stopped on the benefits of a type of housing. Emphasized their shortcomings.

For our part, we still would recommend to take advantage of the new buildings. Today, they combine a modern design, comfort and convenience. New today – it is a complex, which includes not only the house but also good access roads, playgrounds, shops and even a fitness center – centers. New buildings – this is a worthy contemporary citizen choice and this choice you will never disappointed. Good to know: In Russia, a long time – since 1991 – in effect a tax on personal property. Learn more at: Robert J. Shiller.

The rate ranges from 0.1 to 2% depending on the region and is charged with the cost of housing inventory, which in most cases several times lower than the market. And it is – one of the drawbacks of this tax. Given the fairly wide range of beneficiaries and low housing cost amount of property tax collections in Russia is very small. In addition, this tax does not help for one more very important task. Real estate tax can and should become a brake housing prices – which, because of its incredibly high price was simply unaffordable for the overwhelming majority of Russians. This is the conclusion of the presidential administration officials and the Russian government. It has recently become aware of their intention to introduce a property tax to replace property tax natural persons and the land tax, and would be way to deal with growth in housing prices. The size of the new tax rate has not been determined. It is not known, and then, on what method will be calculated market value of the property – and to this database tax plan switch. But the authorities have agreed to correction factors that reduce the tax burden on vulnerable citizens. Expected to introduce differentiated tax rates according to the social status of citizens and the occupied area. Increases the ratio of tax to impose and to the owners of several apartments that officials on a plan will make unprofitable acquisition of apartments in 'investment' purposes. In particular, it is expected to levy tax on a progressive scale for the second and third stories, but there will be a non-taxable minimum (we consider that each owner should not be taxed 27 square meters. accommodation plus 14 square. meters for each family member living with him). Thus, in Russia de facto existed before the property tax, but now the government wants to eliminate obvious flaws in it and most importantly – to target a new tax on Soaring housing prices. What happens in this respect in Ukraine? Or, perhaps, the citizens of Ukraine is not so acute housing problems? Read also about the prices of new buildings

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Many of us hear the word barter we wonder that advantages, is better to change something to sell it, as there may be a return in a change. It’s simple, the swap is a contract that serves to regulate the barter, a payment method very ancient that exists since before the invention of currency and which is based on the equivalent exchange of objects. While it is true that the swap has very little weight today, it is not non-existent, in fact in times of economic crisis may be an alternative when buying a home, or what they do i.e. a change of housing without this lie in increasing our mortgage. When it comes to swapping there is no minimum price established, but if values in order to pay the taxes.

The trade-in of a dwelling, as well as a contract of sale, complies with the consent of both parties. But, unlike the sale that there are two distinct parties (seller and buyer), in the barter transaction both parties enjoy equal status. In the event that a property is mortgaged this has of subrogation the new owner of the mortgage, constituting a new or canceling it. But where the two houses are mortgaged, both parties should be subrogated to the respective mortgages. In this case if that should be very well calculated values and amounts of mortgages that remain payable to know if it should be financial compensation. To be able to subrogate a mortgage it must be a notarial deed, the Bank as creditor position should intervene in this.

This becomes a change whereby the new owner is positioned under the same conditions as above. Surrogate once should Youngs housing in the property registry. The trade-in is taxed by two taxes, one is the property transfer tax, you must currently be around by 7% of the value of the property. The second is the increase the value of land (capital gains), gravel the benefit that it has obtained over the years. Or that is to say, the difference between the value which took in the moment in which it was purchased and value that you currently have. The characteristics of the contract swap are the following: it is transferring domain, this serves to convey the property, is onerous for which an Exchange is necessary, but would be a donation of goods. It is commutative, both parties usually have the same rights and obligations. It is random by exception. It is instant or future tract. It is consensual, this perfect for the mere fact of pamper you, although in some cases it is necessary formalities to meet the obligations arising from the contract. The obligations of the parties reside in transfer ownership of things or permutados rights, deliver the thing or possession, liable for hidden defects, guarantee a position peaceful, answer the eviction, pay the part required by law in terms of writing and registration expenses and pay the taxes that apply by law. To be able to swap an item there are web pages that provide us free placing an ad in order to find an interested party. If you need to swap or change some good can put an ad free or if you are interested in find something of equal value what you want to change can find it here.

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To know consists of understanding the conditions under which what it exists it is determined? determination that corresponds to the properties of the beings. The things come to be when a ontolgica relation occurs, between the form that it determines and the substance that is determined. So that some thing exists, the substance must receive a form that becomes it Real, and this elapses of this relation, of this union always necessary and indispensable: form and substance. To understand as this union happens, Aristotle affirms to have more two slight knowledge: the power and the act. The relation between these is essential to the understanding of as a thing comes to be. Into everything what it exists, the act transformed what it was in power. So that it occurs this process is necessary that both are given as a reality and differentiated as cognitivos elements. The knowledge is an activity that it sends of the effect for the cause.

This regressive and upward way, of the final fact to the first cause, is what dialectic flame. The formularization of the systematic deduction is what if it can call science, that corresponds to the order of the being: of the causes to the effect, the generality for the particular one? as science it is the reply of the reasons, it if it defines a deductive knowledge. It is the identification of the causes that defines the knowledge and the more if to approach to the first cause, more raised it will be? reason for which superior science between all it is the Philosophy. The rational function of the human being is superior amongst the college human beings, but it suffers the interference from the desires and the passions. The virtue consists of the domain of the reason on these aspects. The behavior must be under the command of the reason, but, exactly when this happens, if it will not be able to count on the demonstrative text that this gift in the relation that the reason keeps with objects of theoretical knowledge.

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Residential Transition

The first family visited the school and the Friends Sidewell Georgetown Day School at Sidwell before deciding. The residential transition began with the first of two stops at the Hay-Adams Hotel on January 4. The second intermediate was the Blair House on January 15, the traditional date of the trip for the interim president-elect. The residential transition began before most of the presidents, because of Obama’s daughters had Sidwell to start school on January 5. During the campaign, Michelle Obama said that the transition would be provided residential as seamless as possible for all family members. Michelle, the mother Marian Robinson, was moved to the White House to help with childcare. In the current real estate market, said Obama does not have the intention of selling his home in South Side in Chicago at the limits of the Hyde Park and Kenwood communities.

Get more:

  • by Sandy Gadow (Paperback – Aug 21, 2003)
  • by Keith Olsen (Paperback – Sep 21, 2008)
  • by Sr. Tim Robbins (Kindle Edition – Jun 1, 2008)Kindle Book
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This means that you can check for yourself or to request the Court to indicate what amounts were due to date of demand for unpaid bills (four, five or six months, those who are), and the corresponding delay interest until the same date. If you make the payment of all such amounts, coasts, will be settled in the event you were obligated to pay them for lack of legal aid, the Court issue an order declaring the procedure is over, and you can continue to pay successive receipts in the manner provided by the mortgage deed until the end of the loan. Opposition to the execution procedure of implementation of property mortgaged or seized, does not support many grounds for contesting. The Act provides for the opposition in the following cases: 1.-termination of the warranty or of the obligation secured, provided that this certificate of registry expressive cancellation of the mortgage or, where appropriate, of the garment without offset, or deed of receipt of payment or cancellation warranty. 2.-Mistake in the determination of the amount due, when the guaranteed debt is the balance that yields the closure of an account between performer and performed.

In this case, you must accompany your copy of the book stating the seats of the account and only allowed the opposition when the balance throw this book is different from that resulting from the one presented by the performer. Claim back to the judicial sale of the property mortgaged also need to know that despite judicial auction your House or premises may not be paid off the debt. So if the proceeds of the sale were insufficient to cover the credit (if one hundred thousand euros, plus interest and costs are claimed, and the auction will get ninety thousand), the performer may request the seizure by the missing amount and the continue execution under the ordinary rules applicable to any execution. Even in this case end the conciliation of interests can lead to an agreement between the parties involved in the judicial process. This means that if you have other real or perceived some kind of emolument also may be seized once sold the property to cover the total debt. This is enough incentive to not leave to chance the fate of their heritage when it is in an enforcement proceeding.

Even in these cases, less than our courts jurisprudence restricts this right and therefore not apply equally in all situations by what comes previously discuss your situation before you give an opinion. After reviewing this article, that we can conclude? that the less interesting option is to adopt a passive attitude, which leads to the disposal of property in legal proceedings. There are alternative solutions to the forced enejenacion of its assets, such as mortgage onset, the Convention of realization or realization by company or specialized person, whose implementation will prevent their situation of insolvency perpetue in time. You should rely on lawyers specialized in mortgage and registry law, who have experience in the conciliation of interests with credit institutions or other creditors. MEDIATORIS, has developed this activity effectively for over ten years. The success lies in our formula of negotiation, conciliation of interests. Tell us your case and will make a proposal to measure.

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Ski Resorts Real Estate

The Italian region of Piedmont – a 53 ski resorts, 1,300 kilometers of slopes and 300 lifts, cable cars and ski lifts, capable of carrying more than 400,000 people per hour. The unspoiled natural environment, hundreds of valleys and villages, each of them with the history, art, culture and cuisine. All these various figures doing the Piedmont white galaxy. The region of Piedmont in the north of Italy and borders with Switzerland and France. Piedmont is a multiple ski resorts, where should I buy real estate.

Montagnedoc – an area that stretches over the valley of Val di Susa, (Susa Valley) and Pinerolo (Pinerolo) with the region of 1,500 km of slopes, surrounded by unique natural landscapes. Those who have a passion for winter sports Sports may choose various levels of ski slopes. All slopes are lighted at night, and there is snow trails for off-piste skiing and sightseeing. Sports enthusiasts can also practice cross-country skiing, snowboarding, ice climbing, freeride, ski mountaineering, trekking on horseback, dog sledding with Siberian Huskies and heli-skiing. Montagnedoc offers the best of winter sports, as well as a relaxing enjoyable leisure time. There is an opportunity for open a local history, traditions, art and antique handicrafts, truly local gastronomy and wines. Sestriere, located at an altitude of 2.035 meters on the ridge with the same name, with a delightful view over the valley Chizone (Chisone) and Val di Susa (Susa Valley). This is the first truly modern Italian ski resort. It was created in 1937 by the Agnelli family, and is currently the most famous place for winter sports.

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