Archive for August, 2016

NoLimits24 Makes The Easter Bunny Competition

“TranslateApiException: ServerTooBusy : ID=0818.V2_Json.TranslateArray.3C37C1E1” would, in the off-road and flight experiences from NoLimits24 young and old have an incomparable fun together. And who would like to fly away over the Easter holidays, but has received no vacation, can sit still in the Flight Simulator on the holiday plane – as a pilot. Bodenstandiger but no more boring seen Easter at a wild weekend in the middle of a forest adventure. On Easter Monday, lent is finally over it must be feasted again to your heart’s content. Fancy dinner shows and cooking by NoLimits24 lovers get your money. Experimental challenge your taste buds in total darkness at a dinner in the dark, learning course production of delicious filled rice roll and sweet tooth lovers of Japanese delicacies at a sushi can be at the wine + chocolate seduce tasting of exquisite aromas. For newsletter subscribers, NoLimits24 puts something in the Easter basket. These given during registration not only 5,00 euro, but get whopping Additionally up to 05.04.2010 10 Euro discount on all experience gifts. Whether relaxation, culinary delights or adventure, see finds everyone from over 500 experiences guaranteed an Easter gift that makes very nice old see the Easter Bunny.

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River San Francisco

By consequence, the country is dominated by the corruption in all the levels and the judiciary power collaborates with everything this due to seriousness and punishment. The question of the infrastructure as housing, sanitation, treatment of garbage, roads, arborization, urbanization, familiar agriculture, leisure and healthy diversion, the come back preservation of the environment and questions stops familiar values, ethics, honesty and education, all had been forgotten and banalizadas. A people who loses its education and ethics if becomes poor person, vulnerable and without route. The president of a nation that is governing the country from the cabinet, if becomes only one figure of joint for interests of the great entrepreneurs and political parties. We daily attend the propagandas of the government that they completely show Brazil far from the reality that we also live and, we only hear a colloquy for the radio that is the communication channel of our president with the people, that is an unilateral colloquy. In the last few decades, the proven cities and in the interior had had a decreasing curve in all the directions. The managing plan, urban planning does not exist exactly and therefore: urban housing, feeding, colleges, schools, hospitals, roads and transports had gotten worse very and. The cities of the interior are in a true abandonment and the better capitals are not nothing.

therefore we see these floods attacking hundreds of cities. The rain that would have to be a source of wealth and solution for the population, due to planning and preventive infrastructure if became disaster reason and destruction and when it is not rain, dries the retrocession complete. In fact, it has necessity of a connection between the problems and the necessities and entailing and otimizaes of the measures and solutions. We reiterate our invitation our president of the republic for a trip of all the cities and towns, of bus, that can be bus of plateaus with its comitiva, together with the ministers of the interior and the cities. After a trip of these the government it will know what it is happening in Brazil, and only will perceive that the current measures are very superficial and isolated, that the set free mounts of money for the city halls for the governments are not used to advantage of correct and efficient form, that the people did not have no improvement of life with the majestical workmanships, and that only the great companies had been benefited.(Example: Transposition of the River San Francisco). Perhaps laterof this trip the government will initiate a true construction of Brazil.

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Patrimonial Education

PATRIMONIAL EDUCATION These are some consideraes on Patrimonial Education. Here some fragmentos of thought elaborated with intention to debate patrimonial education. Reflections that take in to think them the education about Brazil. Here only some stretches developed from this vision of the patrimonial education. The patrimonial education search to enable the individual to exert the citizenship, knowing, if appropriating and valuing its culture so that with this it comes to understand the half cultural partner who if finds inserted. Many times we relate in them as patrimony something that we receive from inheritance or even though we think about the architecture of the city, the old building, but patrimony also can be represented by photos, objects with or without commercial value with a raised affective emotional load. Also they can be more including, as necessary elements to the survival of the human being, as the pertaining water, elements to the nature. As Funari ' ' The individual patrimony depends on us, that we decide what in interessa' ' , the election of what it is patrimony is an option of each individual in accordance with its interests politicians and economic and the collective patrimony depends on the reflections that the proper community carries through to determine the interests common to the all.

The house, the street, the school, the family can contribute for the beginning of this understanding, understanding as individual that she depends on us, the one breaks up, leaving for the collective one, thus involving a community, an association of quarter, condominium, generating multiplicity. What it is patrimony for ones, is not for others, but it is to have of all, in the collective, to preserve. Horta in them guides it describes as to have patriotic to preserve material, ambient resources and knowing Brazilian. In this process of valuation and preservation of the culture and the historic site, all the actions if make necessary to assist the individual in the construction of its proper identity, being recognized and accepting diversities cultural, in which the patrimonial education offers the possibility for educating to use its intellectual capacity with intention to perceive the importance of the patrimony.

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Strengthening Of Consumer Protection In The Notarial Attestation Procedure

New developments in case law and legislation after up to the 1.10.2013 current version of article 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 should BeurkG work the notary in consumer contracts, that the draft Treaty is the consumer two weeks prior to the certification. The Supreme Court (judgment of 7.2.2013 – III ZR 121/12) this – contrary to contrary literary voices and attestation practice – made it clear that if this rule have not expired, the notary only may require, if the interests of the consumer are demonstrably maintained in other ways. Otherwise, he is liable for damages. In the decisive case of complaining consumers by a property developer bought two rented condominiums. Since the two-week time limit could not be kept up, the notary recorded an extensive instruction in the contract, where this fact is pointed out. It is there that the purchaser informed the waiting period and the risks on an immediate certification have passed. Shortly after conclusion of the contract, it comes to disputes over the apartments. The buyer claimed Defects and challenged the contract. He demanded the costs incurred by the amicable agreement between seller and buyer of the buyer by the notary as claims for damages on the grounds I may not notarize the contract due to lack of expiry of the waiting period this and so violated his duty. This was followed by the Supreme Court. Sense the waiting period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 Beurk G is to prevent (especially) consumers appear unprepared to the notary and often not sufficiently elucidated in the certification. Therefore should familiarize consumers in advance of certification with the text of the Treaty to consider, what questions he will judge at the notary. Note: An exception of the 2-week period comes after that case-law only consider, if an is a factual reason given (E.g. upcoming holiday absence) and the notary has verified, is that the protective purpose of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 fulfilled BeurkG in other ways, for example, through a legal advice of the consumer. Legal strengthening of the two-week period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 BeurkG now has the Bundestag on the 18.4.2013 the Act to strengthen consumer protection in the notarial attestation procedure decided that for contract validity claims, which are certified according to the 1.10.2013. The notarization law is changed as far as on the two-week period as a dispatch of the text of the proposed purchase agreement may be only those notary (or whose partner), later making the certification. The previous possibility that the acquirer obtains the contract text above other people, in particular the transferor or a broker, is thus eliminated. Should in some cases by the waiting period of rule 14 days derogated from are, must the reasons for this existing now mandatory in the document specified. Dr. Hannes of Kluhs, notary Malkasten 7, 40211 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-36 90 33 fax: 0211-35 26 61

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