Many wonder: 'What is the designer's job? Help pick up the furniture? Draw a plan? Find the color of the walls? " If you compile all the tasks a designer, we can say that a professional must create a profile whole beautiful and perfect in terms of convenience, image and help to implement it, while its outcome should fully satisfy the customer. How to start creating the project design apartment, office, restaurant Of course with a meeting with the customer. During the first meetings, the designer must understand and "see through" all the demands and wishes of the customer, develop a plan for further work and to explain to the customer which of his wishes can come true and what perform is not desirable. The following is something without which the further design of the project is not feasible. This is a careful and sensible measure of the proposed premises.
The designer should not just rewrite the size of the walls, he should write down all the vertical dimension, to estimate the amount of daylight in the rooms to check drainage and ventilation tunnels, measure the height of doorways and window sills, all these parameters are useful in further work. Next meeting with the client, a specialist should offer the client several options for re-planning and placement mebelid apartment or office, to explain why all planned that way. It is very important to consider all requirements and standards redevelopment. Since 2005, these requirements were very strict and require a detailed knowledge and learning.