Archive for September, 2018

Professional Property Management

Real estate can now be a permanent source of income, and may be a problem if you do not apply special measures for its maintenance and positioning in the market. To more accurately understand what management Real Estate, we turned to the experts of Kiev "URP group", which since 1995 been working on this interesting and promising market. Property management: concept, aims and objectives of management – a complex of activities designed (with the goals and objectives of the owner) on the effective use of the property, which means that ultimately profit from its use. Property management includes of four concepts (according to Western classification): – Facility management; – Property management; – Building management; – Asset management. Let's dwell on each of them. Facility management is a means by activities aimed at effective maintenance of the property and increase the period of its life cycle: control of communication and units, planning and renovations, ensuring continuity of communications (heat, electricity, water, telephone, Internet, telecommunications, etc.), organization of cleaning the premises and the surrounding area, protection of the facility and much more. Property management – a service on the selection of tenants, maintaining the necessary technical, financial and legal documentation work-related property. This type of property management include: the development and maintenance contracts, certificates of acceptance and surrender, keeping accounting records of the object (calculated from tenants and serving organizations, invoice, payment orders, etc.), to calculate the cost of the facility and their optimization, the calculation of financial indicators of the state of the object, etc. ices..

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Villegas Publication

The present work aims to analyze and comment on a document that has been marked since its publication in 1947, a model of critique of political systems through the historical analysis. An essay entitled the Mexico Crisis of Cosio Villegas has not lost its critical and historical value. Since then, you can resort to him to understand the particular political climate of the Decade of the forties and fifties in our country. But its value is more extensive.

Is focus: in a few pages, Cosio Villegas manages to make an accurate diagnosis of the weaknesses and vices of the project of nation that emerged from the Mexican Revolution; and is it of political ethics: as a liberal who was Cosio Villegas here offers a defense of freedom not as ultimate goal of social development, but as procedure to achieve it. The text was published in 1947 in the popular magazine notebooks Americans of the University Nacional Autonoma of Mexico, founded by Jesus Silva Herzog in 1942 However, Villegas test won fame nationally for its publication in the newspaper Excelsior, which favored that you reached a broader audience (Cansino, 2005: 40). The trial of Daniel Cosio Villegas is not intended to be a scholarly text destined for the Chair; its objective is different: make a direct and scathing criticism of the elite ruling in the country that had a massive diffusion. This is why he does not use a technical and complex language, but its pages to denote a more personal work, based on his experiences at the end of the Porfiriato, of the revolutionary period and the subsequent emergence of the hegemonic group, to which accuses of being an exact copy of the previous bourgeois elites. During the years prior to the publication of the essay of Villegas, Mexico began to live a new stage of realignment of its political class..

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Southern California

Little, is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICAN, which provides IP addresses and names to the rest of the world, which, despite being as they preach a non-governmental organization non-profit, is subject to the laws of the Federal Office for communications and to the United States Department of State. To this we must add that the American Empire controls 50 per cent of communication satellites and 75 per cent of the Internet. It produces 60 percent of the software in use worldwide and one company, Microsoft, dominates with Windows, the operating system installed on more than 90 percent of personal computers. In the case of the web, 40 percent of boaters are concentrated in this country, and 80 percent of the content disseminated on web pages are in English. They also dominate 85 per cent of e-commerce. It is not surprising then that United States try by all means to be proclaimed the champion of freedom of expression and Internet connection, because it actually seeks to sell the ‘American way of life”and convert the network into a commodity, and not in the development tool that is actually. From the United States.UU.

authorized Cuba Internet connection, the White House encourages, finances and directs the use of the network of networks against the revolution, on November 16, 2006. Since 1996, when allowed Cuba access to the Internet, the administrations including legislation recent as the Patriot Act, which condemns terrorism, and the anti-spam law. Today the U.S. Government allows with total impunity, and even covertly financed, terrorist Court web pages such as Alpha 66 and La Poderosa radio station, and others who exhibit terrorist content or call through cyberspace to their practice, while they have never been disturbed. Alpha 66, for example, on your site shows pictures of armed terrorist groups training in nearby Miami fields or climbing armed mountains in Southern California, unless the FBI ever linecord this cyberterrorism, despite constant tracing of the network with programs spies.

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Home Plumbing Needs

Even if you just bought an apartment in the new house and it is good to all, such as an apartment in a place like Micro Slav, St Petersburg. Clogged sink most often occurs when not carefully used: as a result of plum in her food waste, in the absence of the grid is a stub. Very well-known option – blockage in the drain or into the drain siphon. In the usual options such blockage can be removed with vantuza – rubber cap with a wooden handle. Almost all systems of shells, as well as the baths, there is a drain hole for emergency drainage. As contaminated, you may receive from – for the fatty deposits on the walls of the siphon.

Sometimes they accumulated so much that narrows lumen tube and begin to get stuck in it, even small particles of food, in the end it leads to the fact that the pipe becomes clogged. To avoid this, it is necessary to prevent sometimes pour boiling water into the sink drain and clean vantuzom. And to prevent blockages can use different liquids. They contain special ingredients that contribute to the splitting of the organic contaminants and prevent their occurrence. They can be purchased at any Shop of St. Petersburg, there are in the neighborhood and Slav. If the blockage is very strong and independently to remove them is impossible, then it is best to contact the experts who have more experience and the right tool.

For it is enough to open any phone book and choose a firm that is engaged and to address them. For example: St. Petersburg, district Slav, plumbing services. This allows you to save time, effort and money to solve this very complex problem. Also it promotes work-life products. To make things right and correctly, is the key to the success of your plumbing 'friends'.

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The Fact

Of it are pr inside, when is not allowed to matter? things? that they will go to dilacerar the heart and the mind leaving us impotent. When if it speaks in mattering, that is, to bring for inside of me, things that come in form of verbal language when if receives cursed words, verbal aggressions or, of not verbal form that is for a same gesture or for a physical aggression. In way to a done world of illusions is lived a mental confusion e, how much time if it loses with unfruitful thoughts or how much time if it loses keeping to hurts, renting a great space in the mind? How much time leads to pardon somebody that made in them to suffer? To exactly pardon me for the received offence? to pardon does not mean to forget the fact, therefore, to live always will go in them to send to the past, is description-social beings, but, to remember the fact without if consuming in you distress. This is to pardon. This is to sharpen the instrument.

It does not have an end for the growth possibilities and emotional development and spiritual and, some people say that pass the time that to pass, but, ' ' I go vingar' '. Consequently, the more if he thinks about the fact, more hatred will create. ' ' Irai you and you do not sin; if &#039 does not put the sun on your anger; '. It can be thought that due to this pardon it is lived in a mediocre society. Without affection. Full of diffidence and preconceptions. Without faith. when it is said in faith is not only in God, but, faith in itself proper, in the capacity of being able to redeem, reliable and of wanting a welfare. It is if losing the time to love run-it runs, it frantic in search of the wind has left the man without route.

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