Archive for May, 2020

Fabian Real Estate

Additional components can be designed freely. The James House Ltd”offers in addition to the Christmas campaign also plots of land as well as a full service. Model houses can be seen in the new Hagen, Berlin and Schoneiche. More to the journal Berlin & Brandenburg the actions, contacts and information about price and individual design as usual you can in the current issue of the regional real estate. Elie Rieder shines more light on the discussion. Seller and landlord beware: an energy performance certificate must be presented starting in 2013! Who wants to use his newly built home not only for their own consumption, but also want to rent housing, should present a certificate from 2013 prospects. Otherwise there is risk of lawmakers including a fine of up to 15,000 euros. Exhibit only qualified professionals can the energy performance certificate. It should allow the purchase or prospective tenants to estimate the energy consumption of the property correctly.

Also includes a scale which shows the energy consumption of the House. This energy performance certificate meets the desired requirements, it remains valid for ten years. On one Energy performance certificate can from 2013 onwards only the homeowners forgo, who lives only in the home, but neither sell nor rent would like to. New condensing boiler with heat cheap the energy performance certificate save with detailed insight into the thermal efficiency of the building allows for the cold season. Home Builder must ask so from the outset, whether they have an economical heating. In addition the choice of the right fuel. 49.1% of homeowners in Germany set according to current statistics of the Federal Association for energy and water management for home heating to natural gas as heating fuels.

As compared to heating oil, with 29.3 percent of the Germans heat the apartment, natural gas is mostly cheaper. Who can not but replace his entire heating before the beginning of winter in the short term, should think at least about the change of the old boiler. Because it pays off in almost all fuels. A newer unit with condensing technology remains here for short time the cheapest and most efficient instrument in order to save energy. More information on cheapest combustion value techniques, the new energy performance certificate in 2013 and efficient home heating is there in the special part heating”the December edition of the regional real estate Journal of Berlin and Brandenburg. On top of that, the current edition offers a comprehensive supplement to the subject area sustain”with detailed information about the Bauhaus style and offers the home provider in Berlin and Brandenburg. Regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg there in any well-stocked newsagents and also on the Internet. You for more info see or real estate journal. Contact: Regional real estate Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Wilhelmstr. 4 14624 Dallgow-Doberitz Fabian of MacLean Tel: 0 33 22 / 22 166 fax: 0 33 22 / 24 45 88 the regional real estate publishing company is since 1996 of the editor of regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg. Many real estate listings from the region of Berlin & Brandenburg can be found in the monthly magazine of the ad. The display part is supplemented by many interesting editorial content from the regional real estate and lots of information around the building. Those who prefer the modern information search on the Internet but rather, you will find it in our portal at. So the regional real estate available Berlin & Brandenburg as the online magazine journal. In addition, Advisor Berlin & Brandenburg appear once a year the Berlin & Brandenburg pattern house leader and real estate.

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Soviet Modernist Architecture

Soviet Modernist Architecture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York exhibition, titled 'Lost Vanguard: Soviet Modernist Architecture, 1922-1932', opened at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York on 18 July 2007. This exhibition is a study of the Soviet avant-garde architecture of post-revolutionary period in the work of photographer Richard Pare, who documented the unique heritage of the Soviet modernist tradition in architecture. Phyllis Lambert, founder and director of the Canadian Architecture Center, said: "Photographs by Richard Pare are part of a much larger project in which legacy Modernist architecture of the Soviet period from 1922 to 1932, subject to reinterpretation. In this short span of time, architectural works were characterized by searching for a new language that would have marked the final departure from a return to medieval traditions very different late period of the Tsarist regime. This resulted in a striking variety of ideas that are equal to that of liveliness and dynamism in the xx century was a bit '.

Exhibition organized by MoMA and the Museum Fund 'Russian Avant-Garde. " After the demonstration at the MoMA exhibition will go to Russia. Fund 'Russian Avant-Garde', founded by Senator Sergey Gordeev, is engaged in the conservation of the Russian avant-garde heritage and strives to make it accessible to as many viewers in Russia and the world. Senator Gordeev and the fund 'Russian Avant-Garde' very satisfied feedback from visitors to the exhibition of American and intend to continue to work to preserve and display of Russian architectural heritage. The exhibition will be held at the Museum of Modern Art MoMA from July 18 to October 29.

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Housing Moving Speech

Review of the demo against rental madness and vacancy in Hamburg at the weekend nearly 6,000 marched against housing and financial, in Hamburg. The protest move by the District St. Pauli moved under the motto rental madness stop”to Ottensen (source: (ddp tp) also the Hamburger homeless Max Bryan had come to the demo and what he had to say, went under the skin. A woman holds a microphone in front of the mouth the homeless on the sound truck and Max begins to tell. From the life on the road, the emergency and the hopelessness he experienced for 18 months. If you will so often overlooked, you rear stand, and at the end but just lose, then that consumes you, it wears down and it makes you small”, reported the visibly exhausted Max Bryan and more than 1000 people listened to him. Nearly 100 organizations had called for the big demo on the Millerntorplatz in St.

Pauli and thousands had come to demonstrate against the Hamburg rental madness”to. It’s going to vacancy and rental ceiling, to equality and While people on the street in the winter freeze to death socialization of housing and also to 1.4 million square meters of office space that sit unused vacant. mietenwahnsinn.rechtaufstadt.NET/start already a year ago had the Alliance of activists, associations and civil rights activists against the empty policy “of the Hamburg Senate protested, but a fundamental change of course had not taken place so far, it says right on city in the press statement of the lead Organizer”, an Alliance that for equal rights and participation in the urban design inserts and regardless of social or national affiliation. Hamburg needs more parity. People who are affected by poverty and homelessness, have to Miss hardly any chances of the downward spiral. For them, it is increasingly difficult to find a suitable reintegration.

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New Riga

Naturally maintained good performance on the New Riga and . – Last year, some areas may not be used very much in demand, but who are actively developed, so that after two or three years, they really shot? – Well, it is likely – this is the direction of Simferopol, because it was not popular enough, it was not quite fashionable, and soon total there will be the greatest speaker in this area, in addition to market to consumers are now very actively developing theme acquiring suburban real estate is a good problem, not an alternative Moscow apartment. And here the important role played by exactly such as would recreational indicators, environmental performance of a particular place. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Elie Rieder by clicking through. Based on this very grown up. . And the basis of this is likely to accurately also increase the attractiveness and price of the distal portion of Simferopol direction. – What are the spread of prices for Moscow, from the most popular areas to the least popular? – Colossal. Now you can talk to perfect transaction at a price of 400-500 dollars per hundred square meters in a distant part of the New Riga, but of course the near part of the same New Riga and Kiev direction or the direction of Kaluga, about which we have forgotten, too, which is generally a good figures show – there is a price tag on the level of a half – two of tens of thousands for a hundred and sometimes it is justified even from a commercial point of view.

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