What is the best restaurant for a dinner of class? And the best bar to take a mojito? What is the best hairdresser to make you some Californian Wicks? And the best spa to go on family? These are some of the questions users have asked in Boxvot, and that the rest of the community is contributing their suggestions. Boxvot born with an objective clear: becoming the first truly social entertainment network. It is a space created by and for users, who can share their tastes and preferences. This new social network is not a forum, because the information is clearly structured and easily accessible; nor is a conventional business of leisure Guide, because own Internet users are those who propose the most attractive plans. This platform has been designed with the purpose of being useful, democratic and social. Useful because all content is organised in the form of rankings and is classified into seven categories: eat, drink, go out, travel, sports, cultural and plans. Democratic because both the rankings and suggestions can vote, so that classifications based on the General tastes are achieved. And it is fundamentally social, because any user can suggest completely free-form their own entertainment experiences. This new social network, in full beta which can only access users who request invitation, was inaugurated in September and its clear objective is to consolidate as a maximum benchmark of Internet users to organize and share your free time. Once the first phase, will start the international adaptation of the platform to access major markets goal. Boxvot