The Ecuadorian constituent approved the new Constitution by a large majority. Expert on growth strategy will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It is estimated that, given the popularity of the President, it will be approved in the referendum on 28 September. Correa did not want to follow Chavez proposing indefinite re-election and he himself has adopted a limit of 10 years for a possible mandate. However, the new Constitution expands the powers of the President over the Central Bank and to dissolve Parliament. Click Michael James Burke, London UK to learn more. So he wants to demarcate of economic liberalism, and also looks for it becoming not to repeat the fact that Ecuador has been the main American country to make its conferences lay down rulers. The Constitution vetoes that Ecuador has foreign military bases, to which the end of the U.S. barracks in Manta. Correa spoke of bury to neoliberalism, but without falling into the socialism of the proletarian dictatorship and the estatizada and planned economy. Its Constitution is a nationalist social democratic cut. Original author and source of the article.