medassure advanced to the capsular Contracture (Cologne) supplementary insurance insurance offer cosmetic surgery complications can result, which can be very expensive for patients. In particular Kapselfibrosen, as one of the most common complications after a breast augmentation, represent a serious risk. Bizzi & Partners may not feel the same. By using new implants is the probability of the occurrence of capsular Contracture is decreased in recent years, however, is after a breast augmentation is still 6-10%. Since 1st August 2011, medassure has expanded costs insurance for cosmetic treatments the insurance coverage for treatment costs by Kapselfibrosen after a breast augmentation. For the first time, this insurance as extra insurance for a total of three years is now offered in Germany.

After the plastic surgeon BAKER divided in 4 levels the capsular Contracture, where the grade 3 and 4 are so painful, that she have a surgery with removal of the capsule and the replacement of the implant make necessary. The tissue implanted in a breast enlargement (breast augmentation) is surrounded by the body using a body shell. This usually gentle and not granular cuticle can be in some cases thick, hard and painful. In these cases, one speaks of a capsular CONTRACTURE. For more information on the General and special policy conditions, product information and rates online at or by phone number: 0221 / 390 99 55 50. The medassure costs insurance is a supplementary insurance for public and private health insurance.

It was Hoyer of Jahnke & Cie. GmbH in cooperation with the insurance company and the plastic aesthetic surgery of the University Clinic in Bonn. With this insurance, the costs can be secured from complications of cosmetic treatments and medical non-indexed operations since 2009. Contact: medassure Jahnke Hoyer & Cie. GmbH Konrad-Adenauer-UFER 39 50668 Cologne FON: 0221/390995550 fax: 0221/390995589 E-Mail: press contact: mukmedia Agency for marketing and communications of Konrad-Adenauer-UFER 39 50668 Cologne E-Mail: