The main thing is to wish the wife and husband match, then the solution would be correct. fund-scholarship-application/’>rothberg family. The main thing is that the wife around, and fully trusted husband. He must truly want to help his wife and child, and it needs to collect his thoughts and forces. Upon doing this, you can more safely as they approach your one happy hour, when it happens. Birth child – is a great happiness! But that he was born healthy and strong, and grew up happy and cheerful, all parents need to be well prepared for his birth.

Need to buy a dowry for a newborn, to read different literature or to see a specialist to learn how to properly care for the baby. You should see the child. You are happy and excited, and if you are the first time, you want to know what and how to properly do so. You always listen to what they say your friends and acquaintances about the upbringing of children, became interested in articles on this subject in the newspapers. All that talk around, should not be taken too seriously. And do not be hypnotize words pediatricians. Do not be afraid to rely on common sense and that tells you your heart. Trust your intuition, in general following the advice of a pediatrician – and child care will not at all difficult business.

Caring loving parent gives a child a hundred times more than the knowledge of the baby food or how to fix a diaper – it's just a proven fact. Whenever you take a child in his arms, even if it's you turns awkward when changing diapers, and bathing, feeding, every smile and a child and you, too, is a growing sense that you're with him separately bound. If you are not convinced, visit Kenneth R. Feinberg. Remember that your child will not give you other than in the whole world, even most rasprekrasny specialist. You may be surprised, but the deeper you learn different methods of care and upbringing of children, the more evidence that, ultimately, the best for your baby is one in which parents no longer just trust your instincts. And excellent parents are those who behave with the child simply and naturally. Better time to make a mistake than to tremble over the literal observance of all rules. Every child needs love, understanding, patience, rigor, advocacy, partnership, calories and vitamins. The young couple might get the impression that their personal affairs, they should forget. Grow and raise a child – it's a long and hard work. It is well known that children are born with very different temperaments. Raising a child – it's huge and not easy work. We must have time to cook, wash diapers and clothes, to wipe at least twenty times per day stained attractive face and wash the floor from vyvalennoy of plates of food, collect the scattered toys and things, to reconcile the bullies and wipe away the tears, listen to hundreds of ridiculous, but these important children's stories, play games, read aloud boring tales run the zoo, museums and attractions, sit with your child on his homework, endure his flailing feet, when a lot of work at home, in the garden and the barn, go to the parent Meeting at the end of the day and to keep good spirits and good mood.