Bar counters, windowsills, countertops artificial stone: Montelli, Polystone, Corian. Bars. The atmosphere in the restaurant or cafe is directly connected with the public visiting the facility. Bar counter – one of the mandatory elements of the interior of any cafe and bar, so special attention is given to convenience, reliability and design bar counter, which is fundamental to the success of restaurant business. Company name or the original pattern can be applied to mainly against the rack.
With home bar height of artificial ornamental stone (POLYRESIN or Corian) room gets a modern and comfortable appearance, emphasizing the respectability of the owners. Outside the home stands There are reception counter (reception), banking, administrative, and many others. Bars made of artificial stone, due to its nonporous surface is easily cleaned. In the manufacture of racks are used the most modern processing technology of artificial stone. Windowsills. Everyone has their favorite place in the house: someone sitting room, bedroom, bathroom, and someone – the window sill. Sill – a very romantic place, especially if It is made of artificial stone, giving final shape domestic interior, creating an atmosphere of calm and comfort.
Especially because such a window sill, emphasizing your status before the guests, looks fairly solid. Artificial stone montelli (Polystone, Corian) has high heat resistance, which allows window sills made from this material to store heat for a long time. Compared with plastic, and natural stone, artificial stone has these advantages: it is more resistant to fading, humidity resistant, very light and plastic, combined with many materials. Sills of artificial stone will retain their pristine appearance for a long time. Countertops. Kitchen – this is the place where man-made stone found its most widespread and effective application. Polystone, Montelli or Corian – material from which ideally produce tables and countertops from artificial stone, because these stones are resistant to low and high temperatures, they are absolutely water-resistant texture, and surface stones, having no pores and cracks, hygienic. Thanks to a smooth surface and Corian POLYRESIN, products from these materials are perfectly amenable to disinfection and cleaning. The danger of bacteria in the joints completely excluded, because construction has a seamless connection to the elements. More information is housed here: Clayton Morris. In addition to the manufacture of Montelli countertops for kitchen, decorative stone used for the production of near-wall skirting and wall panels. Kitchen countertops staron can be made with any end treatment and any bends, any shape and sizes. Wide variety of colors and geometric complexity of products from decorative stone will make your kitchen a unique, original and refined.