Tag: education


I'm sure if you're interested in psychology and ways of attracting money into your life and do all new and interesting, you probably already watched the film "Mystery (Secret), which in our country has become better known as just a movie Secret. This film, especially in terms of the psychology of money, it is very important, useful and necessary, so I recommend it to see if you have not already done so. Learn more about this topic with the insights from The LeFrak Organization. But at the same time in this film there are several places where you can easily stumble and do not those lessons that will improve the lives – that is to get into some kind of mental trap, leading to incorrect actions. Morris Invest takes a slightly different approach. What kind of trap? Pitfall number 1: "to get a positive results, it is sufficient visualization "Visualization, or skill development in a positive image of their present and future, is one of the key ideas of the film. But most people – unfortunately or fortunately – tend to be lazy. A man watching a movie and thinks, 'Well, here I start to visualize, and all I need – money, a car and a villa in the Canary Islands – sail yourself into my hands. Well, you never know – maybe a lottery win. " And then he lies on couch and begins to engage in hours of visualization and positive thinking to develop, while taking no real action to translate the life of your desires. There is a good anecdote on this subject: "Lord, help me win the lottery! I really need the money! "" I am happy to help you, but you at least buy a lottery ticket! "In other words, for the achievement of some positive ideas is not enough.

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Learning Assessment

EVALUATION OF LEARNING numerical evaluation understood as accreditation is an important part in school life, in the development of relations is brewing there is often the only parameter through which to evaluate students who are learning skills. Evaluation as more complex social practice, which should yield clues to understanding the learning process that occurs in schools and identify their difficulties, which in this context the qualifications are understood as the number given to the student, just tell us rank of this process of "measurement." Approve and disapprove are not just words, define much in the way of schooling the student's attitude is formed outside the school and teachers, peers and father are compared to their performance. For SEP scores are conceived as an individual measurement of knowledge, skills, and in general, the purposes contained in the plans and curricula, so we recommend that these are products of an ongoing evaluation. But the qualifications for teachers express the degree of achievement that can speak of educational progress at each level. In the area of each school, grades express the place it occupies in relation to other situations where this is a constant concern for the institution in general and of each particular school, is to break down the "condemnation." For this proposal, the rating is not just a number because it is composed, to the extent possible, the process of learning progress of each student (keep in mind that the affirmation of what is important is what they do in class ), the conditions of their family environment, its special character, the potential that we envision and school effort under this condition does, to put a numerical measure, favoring the knowledge of who the student to assign a grade. The measures of their potential: The large number of students who serve, with the affective disposition to get closer to it and know their problems and their ideas respecting the mechanisms to promote student performance.

Getting along with students involved: To know means to surround it, in class or outside it, in addition to considering the sensitivity of the issues particular to evaluate differentially the process forward, shaping it into a number because we know, comprehend and understand no means equivalent to radically change the school culture around qualifying. The number remains an important reference in relationship established between teacher and student. In this space, shows how they will evaluate the activities, that were held with pupils, parents and teacher, since the evaluation is designed to fulfill the general and specific purpose. The evaluation was done by one: & nb sp; Registration & nbs p; Journal Classroom Field / Field Journal classroom teacher / student products or inputs (evidence of work) & nb sp; (an evolution, co-evaluation and self-evaluation) & nbs p; the product presentation with parents and members of the community.

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Russian Space Art

But, being in the public domain in the global network, sooner or later attract attention. The result will be similar. Second, free essay or coursework that are already present on the Internet, always old enough, ie made a year or two, maybe more, ago. For some disciplines, for example, economics, law, even for a marketing term that in Republic of Belarus prohibitively high – we have the situation changes very quickly, so the information provided in these free essay or free exchange, impermissibly outdated. Discover the work can be not nullified just because of outdated data. Third, take a ready-made abstract or download the free exchange rate, and even a free certificate and sign your name might someone else. It happens to one teacher received several similar works by different students. The reaction of his well known and well understood. Finally, fourthly, there is a certain set of topics that are generally very difficult to find information if you do not own the theme of the professional level, which, alas, for a student with good intentions, almost inaccessible. For example, in the history of philosophy – is the Russian Space Art. n. All that for him there on the Internet – whether it's essays or 'analytical review' thematic sites – some degree of compilation of the introductory article, sg Semenova to the anthology of 1993. Checking article sources yields lyft as a relevant resource throughout. It is understandable that expert – taking the teacher knows this story by heart. I would also like to draw your attention to the cheap work. For many, the price – the cheaper the better. They say, cheap and cheerful! But someone somewhere saw something good, really high quality for cheap? Cheap and good does not happen! And if we fast? Not is twofold. Do you think that someone would seriously think about your topic, pick up a fresh literature, to place material on the original plan – in short, really do exclusive work for the money? That is, think of something you can all you want, and to dissuade you, no one will even vice versa. But in fact, the work will simply from the Internet, where it is laid out as a free download, and totally without any edits transferred to you. With all faults, nonsense, misspellings. Conclusion: who offers to write the essay, coursework, degree cheap, virtually nothing, nothing he does not write. This is not original work. You need it? In the end, after spending half an hour (Maximum) in an internet cafe, this free course work can be caught from the Internet on their own. It turns out, prefer to be after all that more expensive than a free course work. And in the end I would like to add that not should strive for a freebie, because then she you 'boomeranging' A better appeal to those who are engaged in working on the order professionally.

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Ramon Gallegos

The subject-subject relationship is the heart of education is the foundation on which stands the whole educational task is a human encounter that requires a transdisciplinary framework that integrates the different fields of knowledge beyond the limits of science. Holistic education is a teaching of universal love is a process to form beings full human, nurturing the best of human spirit, transcending beyond the instrumental sound training that led to the moral collapse of modern society. Universal love is the holistic intelligence, consciousness to give direction and meaning to our actions that promote peace and harmony, supported in our understanding of life. The purpose and basis for genuine education is universal love, whose meaning is an orientation to fraternity and welfare of mankind, based on the understanding and certainty. Bizzi & Partners may find it difficult to be quoted properly. "The certainty is the inner light of the Self, the intelligence, the supreme insight of Being, both come together in the way of universal love, the way of the perennial philosophy." Ramon Gallegos intelligence and certainty are the inner light of compassion, it is the quality that allows educators treat students as human beings, genuinely interested in them, listen, talk, respect their individuality, to explore together the questions fundamental life without imposing conclusions allowing them to realize their inner journey. Holistic education is a process of continuous inquiry and learning about ourselves and our relationship with the Kosmos that encourages holistic awakening of intelligence, the birth and development of the own certainty, to live consciously with joy. "Spiritual intelligence is a process of discernicimento and individual experience through which we identify with the universal values and recognize that all life is sacred, that all human beings are spiritual brothers, that love is the nature of the kosmos, and that truth is ultimately a spiritual truth. . Gavin Baker has much experience in this field.

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Interior Design

In recent years, among the modern disciplines is the main specialty designer position. But that's just not everyone can explain what is its primary purpose. Perhaps, in the creation of modern collections of fashionable clothes, but perhaps – in the development of the updated car? However, most people are accustomed to linking the activities of the designer with design of housing, with a specialization – Interior Design. In other words, the designer – a technologist living. All of which gets to the idea the designer is not only beautiful, but comfortable and functional.

The designer designs the object-spatial environment, "urging" her to the needs of the individual and society. Interior decorations, household appliances, dishes, choice of materials for finishing – we always come into contact with the result of a designer. Everything that touched the hand and the thought of a designer – is fine. After all, the designer creates not only a thing or interiors, it constructs an image of human life, new features of objects. Designer as an artist represents his idea did not paint on canvas or a chisel in stone, but with the help of builders, engineers, creating household items, interior, thereby bringing the aesthetic principle directly into our lives. The designer always satisfies our hunger for beauty, creates our artistic taste. But the true designer requires special knowledge and skills in order to implement their ideas. He needs to see clearly in front of him, that such a practical construction, the location of those present in the house of technical communications to its excellent Creative ideas do not conflict with the harsh reality – the technical characteristics of the room.

Students of the designers have to learn about the development of different styles that exist in the art of interior design. Besides the newly-born designer should have an idea of lighting the room, on the general principles in housing, the interior, finishing materials and equipment. Acquire these skills the most, of course, possible in many institutions of higher learning, only you yourself know how much it would take to complete such training. And you can complete the courses interior design and the knowledge and skills much faster. Note that design courses can complete its own, after all is wanted. And then you yourself will be able to develop a design project of apartments, to design the interior, pick up finishes, and, of course, know very well and understanding of the design styles of interior.

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Pablo Freire

When it is said while still alive pertaining to school and society, does not have as not to cite the master Pablo Freire (1999), when it says that the alone education does not transform the society, without it neither the dumb society. If option is progressive, if it is not in favor of the life and not of the death, the fairness and not of the injustice, the right and not of the will, the convivncia with the different one and not of its negation, another way is not had if not to live the option that if it chose. To incarnate it, diminishing, thus, in the distance between what one says and what becomes. As if it can observe, the relation family X school requires, then, of the professors a taking of conscience of that, the meetings based on subjects theoreticians to speak of the problems of the educandos, on low notes, do not provide a beginning of partnership. In a question-answer forum John Savignano was the first to reply. The school must search to construct by means of an elaborated and conscientious intervention the creation of reflection spaces and experiences of life in an educative community, instituting above all the approach between the two institutions (family-school). In the only Paragraph of Chapter IV of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (BRAZIL, 1990), it says that ' ' he is right of the responsible parents or to have science of the pedagogical process, as well as participating of the definition of the proposals educacionais' ' , that is, to bring the families for the pertaining to school conviviality already is prescribed in the Statute of the Child and of the Adolescent what this lacking is to materialize it, it is to put the Law in practical. Family and school are abutments to the human being; they are signals of existencial reference. How much better it will be the partnership between both, more significant will be the results in the formation of educating/son.

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For the professors it is not clearly what it can be a geographic education, because acentuadamente is even related who in the initial years are important to enable the pupils to the reading, writing, and accomplishment of the four operations. Of the depositions the exception is expressive of that Geography if restricts to one few activities to make mockups, to construct passages, to draw plants of the room, the school, the room. More serious is the affirmation that not necessarily is needed to take in account the sizes and the distances, that the important one is to make the drawings. It does not have, therefore attention with the scale, the legend and nor with the social matters that can happen of the done constataes. They also affirm that the existing material is not adjusted and that in the majority of the organized cases they inexist of form information necessary to carry through the planning of education; Although in the legislation it is defined that they are contents important to be worked has much difficulty in giving account in significant way for the work with the related contents.

The PCNs defines that for the first cycle, ' ' the study of Geography it must mainly approach relative questions to the presence and the paper of the nature and its relation with the action of the individuals, of social groups e, general form, the society in the construction of the geographic space. For in such a way, the local landscape and the lived space are the references it professor to organize its trabalho.' ' (P. 127) ' ' In as the cycle, the study of Geography it must mainly approach the different relations between the cities and the field in its social, cultural and ambient dimensions and considering the paper of the work, the technologies, the information, the communication and the transport.

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Sensations Education

On the other hand, he will have to contain objectives how much to conversational the practical ambientao and of careful abilities and dialogues, abilities of critical and creative thought, and, finally, abilities of philosophical inquiry. In this perspective, the lessons of Philosophy must be come back toward an analysis of the reality, perpassando for questions concerning the proper pupils and of the professor. But, this does not happen without scienter on the part of the educator, who stops arriving at this objective, must create an environment, in its questionador, classroom, concrete, in which the pupil has the thought freedom, seen autonomy and either as one to be capable to produce and to transform the reality where it lives. CURRICULAR STRUCTURE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE INFANTILE EDUCATION AND LESSON OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE INFANTILE EDUCATION In it I capitulate VII and VIII Wedge (2002) backwards a light the question of the structure curricular of the philosophy in the infantile education and the lesson of philosophy in the infantile education. According to author the resume of philosophy in the infantile education must have as axle reflexivas attitudes, thematic questions, philosophical abilities. Each teacher will have to elaborate a program of attitudes that looking for to develop definitive subjects and ability in the pupil. As Wedge the thematic questions can turn on the following thematic fields: Sensations or pulses of liking; Friendship or ethical pulso; Courage or libertarian pulso; the tolerance before difference or the democratic pulso. It must be removed generating words of conversion or quarrel which must suggest you intrigue this child. It must correspond to the partner-emotional and intellectual interest of the child (doubt, fear, suspense, curiosity etc.). The teacher must provoke the development of philosophical abilities by means of determined operators who as author are usual expressions, that appear in the questions of the teachers stimulating the development of certain abilities (Who were in such place? What you understood therefore) The operated ones must provoke the pupils to produce answers constructed from definitive tools of thoughts that are expressions that the pupils use to organize its answers to the questions initiated for the operators.

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