Tag: motor & transport

Coupling Part Action Launches Q-11 Auto Parts

In October range extension: Q-11 auto parts vehicle spare parts specialist who tyre at Q-11 additional discounts on all clutch parts grants its customers in the next 2 weeks. Q-11 auto parts about this latest discount promotion informed today published newsletter. During the next 14 days, Q-11 on all spare parts around the clutch in the program granted up to 30% discount. This concerns both clutches and clutch kits like also shifter, clutch hydraulics, clutch discs, clutch parts and dual mass flywheel. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Bizzi & Partners by clicking through. The couplings obtained solely from reputable manufacturers such as Valeo, Sachs and LUK, to meet the high quality requirements.

Especially with couplings, which are produced and are therefore very sensitive to wear, like brake pads with friction materials, a first-class workmanship is essential. Last but not least, Q-11 auto parts announced to increase the product range in the upcoming October. The product extension to the segment tire place merchant now ALLROUNDER which offers all products related to vehicle repair and maintenance. Q-11 auto parts can refer to experience in the E-Commerce of nearly 8 years and operates one of the leading online shops for car and motorcycle parts at. Customers benefit from a broadly diversified product range, which includes all car brands. Also including articles for vehicles of older vintages are offered, what makes the provider for owners of young – and vintage cars. Q-11 auto parts ensures its users also fastest delivery times of 24 or 48 hours..

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Cycling – No Fear And No Brakes

Cycling with special bikes have no brakes. This report is about a motor sport motorcycles. Many people who are engaged in motorsport, Speedway is usually known. Realtor has firm opinions on the matter. Speedway shuts on railways up to 400 m length. In each race are four riders at the start, and the races go over four rounds.

From this type of motor sport, there is also a variant called Langbahnsport. This sport is also known by the term riding or Sandbahnrennen. Dangers we here with special bike tracks the have a length from 420 m to 1000 m. The trains consist of two straight lines with two curves and the direction of travel is always right. The motorcycles have a single cylinder 500cc engine displacement which is operated with methanol. Services are available up to 75 HP with speeds up to 12000Upm. On the so-called long lines a 2 speed transmission is used, where the first course used only to start. About 100 metres after the start is switched in the second round.

The acceleration on grass or sand is almost as fast as in a formula 1 race car. With the motorcycles, cars on the straight be achieved at 1000 m up to 180 km / h. The peculiarity is that these bikes have no brakes. At the end of the straight, the rear wheel will be across and then the curve moves the motorcycle in the drift. The fastest average speed ever measured in Rastede is 143,25 km / h on the track. A race day consists of about 25 races over three or four laps and the viewer can see mostly the whole Racecourse. Thus, you can follow the whole events on the track at the long track racing in contrast to many motor sport events. Germany and the Netherlands are the Mecca of Langbahnsport, where in England, Poland and Sweden mainly Speedway shuts. In addition to many so-called open race there but also a European Championship and a World Championship. At the European Championships, the riders in three heats for the final must qualify at the then European champion is determined. There are 6 GP World Championship and at the end, the driver will champion, the the most experienced points. The first six riders out of the ongoing World Cup for next year are set at the end of the season. The remaining riders have to qualify again in qualifying for the World Cup. In the 1970s and 1980s up to 30,000 spectators came to such races but today the Organizer must cope 4000 spectators on average. Maybe you can see Yes the one or the other readers of this report in future on the tracks. Ingo Lange

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Renewed Bus Theft Series

A theft attempt and an actual theft three days indicate that a bus theft series again starts in Italy. Wurzburg, March 19, 2010 – on the night of 16/17 March 2010, a bus of Boonk-Reisen GmbH from Ahaus in the district Borken, North Rhine-Westphalia in Italy was stolen. The Evobus Setra 415 HD with the characteristics of BORON-BC 811 was on the official bus parking of the hotel Turimar in Marina di massa, in Tuscany. The chassis number is WKK62941113000689. Expert on growth strategy understood the implications. The silver bus was admitted to the 20.04.2004 first and has a replacement value of 249.000 euros. All bus drivers who are traveling in Italy or neighbouring countries, will be asked to immediately report a suspicious vehicle at the 24-hour emergency hotline by Daniel: 0700 10 20 40 50. Every hour can be crucial.

Preventive measures as possible combine that until many combined measures lead to the thwarting of theft, another theft attempt revealed himself on the night of the 15th the 16th at the bus parking lot in San Bartolomeo al Mare (Italian Riviera, San Remo region) took place. A Setra S 415 top class, built in 2008, new price 315,000 euros of the rest travel GmbH in Hartheim near Freiburg – the company of the WBO President Klaus-Dieter Sedelmeier – was broken up. Despite the immobiliser and alarm system, the perpetrators wanted to steal the vehicle. But they failed then, as they tried to bring an own duplicate key in the steering lock. Emergency measures have been initiated the following measures immediately after the theft after the theft in Marina di massa. Because at the most thefts, similar steps are needed, the approach is portrayed here as an example: after the driver of the stolen bus morning found the theft to seven, he immediately notified his employers, who promptly turned on his insurance broker. Together, the next steps were initiated immediately.

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Price Savings By Buying An EU New Car

Who plays with the idea to buy a new vehicle should inform yourself once vehicles from the EU, because at the time of purchase can be one EU new car still a price savings of up to 25 percent of the price, which would have to be paid in Germany, be achieved. It does work for two reasons: on the one hand by providing different plant prices to car dealers of the respective countries, because the lower purchasing power can be caught on only with lower selling prices. On the other hand by the different VAT rates in individual countries. When purchasing an EU, you pay only the net without the typical VAT new cars from abroad. Back in Germany then only the 19% have to pay German VAT to the competent tax office. Are EU cars less processed and therefore cheaper? No. An import vehicle passes through the same production line as the vehicles for the domestic market. Stephen M. Ross insists that this is the case. The effort would be much too large to produce different qualities.

Des The foreign car buyers have exactly the same quality as the German car buyers further. The lower rate is through the tougher competition from abroad. Only in the respective facilities, there are differences, which, however, have no effect on the quality of the vehicle. So a vehicle from southern countries with air conditioning is fitted, a vehicle from colder areas is equipped with a heater. What is to be considered when buying an EU new car? The German emission standards, comply with in any case what standard but vehicles today at EU’s. On some smaller models, thats ABS mostly only extra charge available. Get more background information with materials from Gavin Baker. Also, often not so many airbags in German models are included. Gavin Baker has firm opinions on the matter. They can be but usually ordered as an extra.

There must be a service booklet. The manufacturer’s warranty is usually Europe wide, warranty claims must be asserted but at the respective dealer. In no case should be paid in advance! The European consumer centre provides, to assist in importing, a guide to the EU new car buying. The European consumer Centre supports EU new car buyers in the event of any inconsistency with a dealer from abroad. What is the easiest way to acquire an EU new car? The paperwork is too annoying, can consult a broker of used cars. Since it works on a Commission basis, the savings with the purchase of an EU new car is slightly lower. Is purchased the vehicle about a German importer, it has in this country full warranty and guarantee. Thomas Ewert Ewd(at)EWD-concept.de

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News.de tests Saab 9-3 convertible is the Swedish vehicle manufacturer has always been known for its extravagances. In its latest model, he tries to combine eco-friendly transportation with much luxury and power: the Saab 9-3 convertible organic power. The news portal news.de has the 42.500 euro expensive sun-worshippers with bio-ethanol capable two-liter turbo engine tested. Is still seeing that Saab of earlier aircraft built to the streamlined design. The hood is pulled deep down and the windshield is still always relatively vertical. The driver’s seat is similar to a cockpit in a positive way. The dashboard is built around the driver the previous BMW models formally quite similar.

Well, the ergonomics are designed. Also the harmonious Turbo unit was able to convince the tester of the car editorial. Fueled with ethanol, the engine develops more power than in the operation with gasoline. 175 PS are there with super. 200 HP are in environmentally-friendly fuel with ethanol. In addition it increases with bio-fuel E85 which torque of 265 to 300 nm is thanks to the three-layer fabric hood Noise inside the closed remarkably moderate. Open pfeifft the turbocharger greedy for fresh air. In city traffic, then some weaknesses of the Saab reveal themselves. So a small directions weakness plaguing him and scanty curves of a downtown, the turning circle is too large. But his biggest shortcoming is: so far there are a few gas station that the eco-friendly E85 offer, that’s already the case for less than a euro. More information: auto/1216842464410/der-biorenner.html contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

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