Tag: products and services

Heating Homes

The principle of heat transfer – heat radiation (on a Russian oven heating). On this principle work steel panel radiators, heat panels, connected to water systems. When heat radiation, heat rays from the battery, getting on the wall are absorbed by them. There is a warming of the walls, the moisture, which contained within the walls (cooking, washing, breathing person, etc.), air is displaced, and hence the thermal conductivity of the material decreases, ie insulating properties increase, which leads to more economic the use of heat by reducing heat loss. Heating radiant way known for a long time, usually a brick oven, a good example.

This is one reason that explains why the use of long-wavelength radiant heaters, the energy needed for heating, is used much less than when using electric guns, electric convectors, etc. For example, heat-insulated room with an area of about 100 M2 can be warm (approximately 20 elektrobatareyami power 250W) at a rate of 700-750 kW electric power in the winter months. To recall one of the buyers of equipment, cost of heating his two-bedroom apartments of 48m2 – 400 kW in the winter months, with a total capacity of 1.75 kW / h. Simple installation of the power of a qualified electrician. Electric batteries do not dry the air, do not raise dust, work quietly, do not require annual preventive maintenance, installation of available by a qualified electrician.

Even if a battery is out of order, it will not affect the whole system. The heating element in the low-temperature battery that allows you to work the equipment at least 20 years. Heating temperature up to the front panel + 65S. Further calculations for the climate zone in Ukraine. Approximate size of heating a battery 250W 5-7m2, one infrared-convective 350W 7-9m2, with a ceiling height of up to 2.8 m. Area heating depends on the number of external walls, windows and insulation of the room. For rooms with high ceilings or where there is no possibility of using space heaters wall mounted, we suggest ceiling heat panels. Their advantage in high velocity heating, possibility of installation in wet areas, as well as in rooms with high ceilings. Low heating panels heat up to +95 C with the front panel and up to 40C on the back side. Not high cost of heating and the above listed advantages make it universally accessible and easy to use. The heating system is regulated by the thermostat. To a single thermostat, you can connect up to 8 batteries 250W. Or use a thermostat in the room. Tel. 050 962-24-81 (wholesale and retail)

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Home Plumbing Needs

Even if you just bought an apartment in the new house and it is good to all, such as an apartment in a place like Micro Slav, St Petersburg. Clogged sink most often occurs when not carefully used: as a result of plum in her food waste, in the absence of the grid is a stub. Very well-known option – blockage in the drain or into the drain siphon. In the usual options such blockage can be removed with vantuza – rubber cap with a wooden handle. Almost all systems of shells, as well as the baths, there is a drain hole for emergency drainage. As contaminated, you may receive from – for the fatty deposits on the walls of the siphon.

Sometimes they accumulated so much that narrows lumen tube and begin to get stuck in it, even small particles of food, in the end it leads to the fact that the pipe becomes clogged. To avoid this, it is necessary to prevent sometimes pour boiling water into the sink drain and clean vantuzom. And to prevent blockages can use different liquids. They contain special ingredients that contribute to the splitting of the organic contaminants and prevent their occurrence. They can be purchased at any Shop of St. Petersburg, there are in the neighborhood and Slav. If the blockage is very strong and independently to remove them is impossible, then it is best to contact the experts who have more experience and the right tool.

For it is enough to open any phone book and choose a firm that is engaged and to address them. For example: St. Petersburg, district Slav, plumbing services. This allows you to save time, effort and money to solve this very complex problem. Also it promotes work-life products. To make things right and correctly, is the key to the success of your plumbing 'friends'.

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Fire Doors

In our time, all buildings are designed according to the rules and regulations established to prevent fire, how to localize fires, methods of evacuation of people from dangerous areas during a fire. Fire-resistant metal Doors are an integral part of fire barriers that prevent the spread of fire within a specified time. The main purpose of fire doors to stop the fire in one place, avoiding penetration of smoke and its neighboring. Such a metal structure to maintain fire within the time specified in the certificate. Testing of the fire is carried out in special laboratories.

Fire doors should be chosen in such a way that if the office had a fire and will burn it all, the integrity of the door is not disturbed. On average, flat, covered by the elements, burn for 15-20 minutes. Warehouses can be burn longer (due to equipment and synthetic finishes: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture). Hence the conclusion: it is desirable that the fire resistance of doors was at least 30 minutes. These doors are both deaf, and entirely of glass or partly glazed, and they may be single-wing or folding. Fire-resistant glazing can provide effective protection of objects from the fire and smoke to locate fires and prevents the spread flame.

Used glass exhibit excellent transparency, which allows you to install them in administrative, industrial and residential buildings. They are widely used in the construction of doors, windows and translucent walls. Fire protection glazing is divided into several main classes: Class E. The degree of protection from flame and combustion products. Glasses provide protection only for this class Fire resistance can not localize the heat flux in this regard in a protected housing a high probability of ignition of inflammable objects. Class I. The degree of protection from the heat. Glass with high insulating properties. Class EI. The degree of protection from fire, combustion and high temperatures. When installing the glazing of the class provides the highest protection for a specified time. Class W. Degree of protection heat flow. This is a high-melting glass, do not let the heat. Class EW. Protection against flames, heat and combustion products. If you install fire-glazed with the degree of protection for a specified time will be ensured the safety of the building, people and property. The figure comes after a class of fire safety, means the amount of time during which the defense is valid, for example, EI-30 provides protection from fire, gas and high temperature for 30 minutes. The material is taken from the site svp-cpecvogneprom.ua

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