Tag: real estate & broker

Fabian Real Estate

Additional components can be designed freely. The James House Ltd”offers in addition to the Christmas campaign also plots of land as well as a full service. Model houses can be seen in the new Hagen, Berlin and Schoneiche. More to the journal Berlin & Brandenburg the actions, contacts and information about price and individual design as usual you can in the current issue of the regional real estate. Elie Rieder shines more light on the discussion. Seller and landlord beware: an energy performance certificate must be presented starting in 2013! Who wants to use his newly built home not only for their own consumption, but also want to rent housing, should present a certificate from 2013 prospects. Otherwise there is risk of lawmakers including a fine of up to 15,000 euros. Exhibit only qualified professionals can the energy performance certificate. It should allow the purchase or prospective tenants to estimate the energy consumption of the property correctly.

Also includes a scale which shows the energy consumption of the House. This energy performance certificate meets the desired requirements, it remains valid for ten years. On one Energy performance certificate can from 2013 onwards only the homeowners forgo, who lives only in the home, but neither sell nor rent would like to. New condensing boiler with heat cheap the energy performance certificate save with detailed insight into the thermal efficiency of the building allows for the cold season. Home Builder must ask so from the outset, whether they have an economical heating. In addition the choice of the right fuel. 49.1% of homeowners in Germany set according to current statistics of the Federal Association for energy and water management for home heating to natural gas as heating fuels.

As compared to heating oil, with 29.3 percent of the Germans heat the apartment, natural gas is mostly cheaper. Who can not but replace his entire heating before the beginning of winter in the short term, should think at least about the change of the old boiler. Because it pays off in almost all fuels. A newer unit with condensing technology remains here for short time the cheapest and most efficient instrument in order to save energy. More information on cheapest combustion value techniques, the new energy performance certificate in 2013 and efficient home heating is there in the special part heating”the December edition of the regional real estate Journal of Berlin and Brandenburg. On top of that, the current edition offers a comprehensive supplement to the subject area sustain”with detailed information about the Bauhaus style and offers the home provider in Berlin and Brandenburg. Regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg there in any well-stocked newsagents and also on the Internet. You for more info see or real estate journal. Contact: Regional real estate Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Wilhelmstr. 4 14624 Dallgow-Doberitz Fabian of MacLean Tel: 0 33 22 / 22 166 fax: 0 33 22 / 24 45 88 the regional real estate publishing company is since 1996 of the editor of regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg. Many real estate listings from the region of Berlin & Brandenburg can be found in the monthly magazine of the ad. The display part is supplemented by many interesting editorial content from the regional real estate and lots of information around the building. Those who prefer the modern information search on the Internet but rather, you will find it in our portal at. So the regional real estate available Berlin & Brandenburg as the online magazine journal. In addition, Advisor Berlin & Brandenburg appear once a year the Berlin & Brandenburg pattern house leader and real estate.

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Berlin Is Great

Berlin is among the areas largest and most populous cities in Germany with its 3.4 million inhabitants especially in summertime a popular excursion destination in Berlin and is a popular destination for numerous German and international tourists. And our capital that rightly has a lot to offer. You owns a number of large parks in addition to large forest areas in the East and South and is therefore a particularly green city. The large animal park in the Centre of the city is one of the largest and also the most beautiful parks. It stretches from the railway station Zoo to the legendary Brandenburg Gate and is thus in close proximity to the Parliament and Government District.

With its size of 210 ha, he served the Prussian nobility used as hunting and riding area. Today it is a popular destination for many tourists. Striking in the Park are spacious lawns, which are crossed by small rivers and trees. Small accents plants such as the English garden, the Louise island and the rose garden. An absolute must for nature lovers. A further highlight of Berlin is the Botanical Garden, which is located in the southwest of the city. He is the third-largest park in the world with an area of 43 hectares and around 22,000 different plant species and is also used as a recreational park.

Worth seeing is also the tropical House, which is the highest building of the world. In addition to the well-known parks, Berlin has to offer but also a lot of other sights. These include in addition to numerous museums, the theatre and cabarets. Worth seeing, but also the important buildings, such as the landmarks of the city are the Brandenburg Gate. It was built in the 18th century and is crowned by a Quadriga with the victory goddess Viktoria. Other attractions include the Alexanderplatz square with the TV Tower, the victory column, the Bundestag, the ruins of the Memorial Church, the Nikolai Church and Charlottenburg Palace. The KDeWe department store in the vicinity of the Kurfurstendamm is a paradise for all shoppers.

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Energy Pass Now

The energy pass in Spain as well duty never since 1st June 2013 in Spain, all real estate only with appropriate energy certificate sold or rented. In the case of a purchase of notarization, the energy performance certificate by the notary to the new buyer is passed. LAS ANCLAS in Ibiza, property owners are inmobiliaria according to Ulrike Skories, Managing Director of the agency responsible for the appointment and the availability of the certificate. Energetic properties such as heat, cold and light consumption are measured in this certificate. Emissions in comparison to the extent of the property is determined by 7 color-coded stepped beams from A to G in an ascending scale of CO 2.

The report includes enhancement proposals by a higher qualification could be obtained, although a minimum qualification is not necessary. This card not has real significance to the quality or high quality real estate”real estate agent of Ulrike Sampson. In principle is There is more to the measured emission values and the compliance with a new EU law.” Popular technical refinements are punished some more, because they energetically standards not the desire of the EU.” The card must be issued by a licensed professional (architect or engineer) who visited the property on the ground. The certificate is officially registered and then delivered a plaque to the holder. The energy passport has a validity of 10 years.

The price can usually between approx. 160,-euro are nearly 1.000,-euros plus tax and depends on the responsible professional as well as the size of the property. Real estate agency LAS ANCLAS Ibiza advises: Beware of special Internet offers. Often, these certificates are not registered or do not meet the requirements in certain criteria. Instead of saving money, you pay eventually double.” According to Royal Decree of 5 April 2013, threatening sellers and landlords who offer their property without energy performance certificate and apply fines of up to approximately 6.000,-euro. At Need help real estate agent customers with regard to the recommendation of qualified service partner happy and free of charge.

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Passive House – Future Already Today

The Perpetuum mobile is also in the building is not in sight yet, but the market is working. A very young step in this direction is the passive house in Germany. The concept consistently implements the request, optimally exploit installed a living energy or to minimize consumption. Objectives, which determine the philosophy of Ahlener consulting and distribution company MINERGA for about 20 years. No wonder that the MINERGA AG now goes after a phase of development in the distribution of passive houses for the German market. With special construction, significantly improved thermal insulation, controlled ventilation and exhaust with heat recovery or rainwater harvesting MINERGA turned out early as a trendsetter. Today such features E.g. for low energy House are legally enshrined and flowed as a benchmark in the energy state of the art.

The passive house goes one step further. A big step, as shown in the views of the energy balance. The Ahlen announce about 80 percent less fuel consumption than in the low-energy House. Pro Square feet of living space to the MINERGA passive house only about 1.5 litres of oil or 1.5 cubic meters natural gas consume the year mind you. This should be a strong argument at a time when energy consumption and its cost in many ways win existential meaning. These values are achieved with an advanced insulation and sealing the building envelope and the consistent switching of thermal bridges.

As a result, the passive house is equipped with a controlled ventilation and exhaust. Positive side effect: avoid mold damage due to human error of ventilation, a proper building climate promotes the living comfort and with appropriate filtering, the system complies with even the needs of allergy sufferers. That apart from the deliberate choice of construction materials and their processing, just extremely reduced energy consumption is an environmental argument, is obvious. MINERGA announces for its passive houses with solar energy consumption reduced 200 to 300 percent less CO2 emissions than in the Low-energy House. With the launch of sales in Germany the MINERGA AG is trendsetter in this country, but our neighbours in Austria and of Switzerland, the passive house technology is introduced for a long time. This not only in the solid or prefabricated houses for one or two family home, but also public buildings, kindergartens or corporate buildings. The MINERGA AG is involved for nearly 20 years in the planning and implementation of houses. At the beginning of the 1990s the company laid the foundation stone for a first Minergie building, an apartment building in floor construction with low-energy building standard. MINERGA then brought together the expertise of planners, engineers, and craftsmen using technologies proven in the market, construction methods and materials. Only a logical continuation of this company policy is that the Ahlen company devoted now also distributing passive houses.

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House Administration Gamdhi

Gamdhi casting House Management informed at a planned purchase of real estate as an investment are of course not same criteria as real estate used in private. Aspects such as location, size, cost and yield potential are crucial. But also the condition of the property is important because faults, which can be expensive and be associated with losses. Make sure is explained what the House Administration Gamdhi from Giessen. Condition of the property as a whole look at when buying a property, for use as an investment, you should be sure to observe some criteria.

Because if in hindsight of the property damage, which may be associated with enormous losses and pays is not the real estate. The following should be observed:-the entire real estate including apartments should be subjected to a comprehensive survey. In particular the roof, the basement and the mechanical devices should be seen especially intense. It is recommended to have an experts (experts). -Let the logs show all owners meetings. Often, information about forthcoming repairs or investment emerge from this. -Learn about the amount of the maintenance reserve already accumulated by the community of owners.

This is only low, to be expected in an upcoming repair with a special levy. A higher reserve is therefore preferable. -Make contact with management, if they exist. It has valuable information regarding the property. -Explore the surroundings of the apartment. Is she attractive for those interested? Would renter here feel? -Compare the listed purchase price with prices for similar deals. For detailed information the House Administration Gamdhi casting available at any time.

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Dr. Hetmeier recommends leased real estate real estate and who pays taxes like to monuments as serio ses saver model? Wealthy Germans develop as we know lots of energy when it comes to save taxes and crack down on the tax office. But some of the saver models tendered by the financial industry wrote deep red numbers in the past few years. Closed ImmobilienFonds, investments in container ships, film – and media funds were often not well thought out concept. You gave investors not only tax high losses. Many initiator had to compete at all going to the bankruptcy judge. Not much remained mostly for investors. Classic investments into in the form of interest houses and rented condominiums as a serious instrument to optimize tax more the focus.

“A real estate should consider to be the investment even before taxes. If that is guaranteed, you may enjoy many options, offered tax law to the property owner, to reduce its tax burden”, says Dr. agent Marita Hetmeier from Dortmund, Germany. “Who wants to save taxes with real estate, should be but familiar with the basic outline of the taxation of real estate income. That is less complicated than many believe”, says Dr. Hetmeier and fear of the often-maligned German tax law investors. “Basically, it’s easy.

With a rented property you achieve rental income, you must pay tax on. You expect your expenses against your income. They are called related expenses in the tax law. Includes about the depreciation on the cost of the building, used real estate about eighty percent of the purchase price, which forty or fifty years, say: with 2 or 2.5 percent can be depreciated. In addition, can investors assert the annual interest payments to finance the real estate as well as maintenance expenses, so renovation, caused him in the year of assessment for the real estate. If the expenses are higher than the rental income, creates a negative income. This negative income from rental and Leasing can be deducted from other income types in your tax return and decrease as the income or income from commercial activity.” Write-downs are particularly interesting, as she see the tax law for monuments. “Investment costs for a monument-friendly renovation can be upon certification of the Office for twelve years with nine percent per anno in the first eight years and seven percent in the next four years. Who high-quality refurbished a heritage-listed real estate and spread his costs so for twelve years, reducing its tax burden evenly and noticeable and can sell the property after the depreciation tax harmless. “This is one solid thing and very lucrative for investors with a high tax burden.” Copyright: Dr. Hetmeier real estate, Dr.

Community Housing

Never, there were so many possibilities of individual living at the age, as it is today. Online portal airs the Djungle of terms Wohnforumplus.de – everything around the theme of living in old age Germany’s largest special portal that combines the areas of housing, care and craft & services centrally at one point. Wohnforumplus is intended for all who are concerned about at an early stage, how they want to live in the age. In the traditional four walls? In the community housing? In assisted living? The result is many more questions. The information platform provides addresses of artisans, architects, or service providers, which specializes in housing for the elderly. In addition are available more than 20,000 records of housing providers and care specialists from across Germany to the free call. “We see ourselves as an intermediary between the interested parties on the one hand, and all on the topic of living in the old involved on the other side” so the industrial engineer and co-owner Frank Scholtysek. In the editorial section, products and topics will be presented, which offer more comfort and safety in the age.

Particularly interesting is the section “housing projects and housing stock”, are presented in the seniors WGs roommates wanted found can be and. The offer is rounded especially at the age through checklists, financial and legal information around the topic of living -. The calendar provides information about specific events and can be used by interested parties, to promote your own events. Reported nationwide held trade fairs and congresses regularly in a review, this Wohnforumplus gives an overview of new products and developments on the subject of housing for the elderly people always. The operator of the site, specialists from the construction and real estate sectors, provide the living consulting local people from Lower Saxony, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia in addition. Initiators of housing projects can also advice and professional support during the implementation of their project. Frank Sains

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Renovation Of Houses In The Sohrestrasse In Lohfelden Begins In 2010

The Monarchis Grundbesitz company is Monarchis nearing completion of plans and contract negotiations New Ulm/Lohfelden, 22.02.2010 – mbH, real estate and financial services from Neu-Ulm had acquired the beautiful multi-family row houses in the Sohrestrasse 1 to 18 in a prime location in Lohfelden, near Kassel in 2008. When a tenant Street Festival the residents of houses in the Sohrestrasse, neighbors, representatives of the municipality had and learned about the management and employees and staff of Monarchis. An important point in the context of the event was for Monarchis to figure it out, where “The shoe pinches the tenant”. In particular, which restoration and renovation work were considered from the perspective of the tenant priority. In addition to many details, the Windows, doors and heating trades were the most mentioned areas. Following the planning and supply, as well as orientation phase started at Monarchis. Were, for example, when the rehabilitation or rescheduling of heating (so far just as inefficient as polluting furnace heaters) a wide range of variations on cost, feasibility, efficiency and environmental impact assessed and evaluated. Currently, the negotiations for a power supply with comprehensive treaties.

Target is a heat supply agreement for all houses. This is intended to build a new power plant as soon as possible. The tenants in the houses in the Sohrestrasse have already received a modernization announcement. It is then intended to begin the renovation of the houses at the end of this year is quite long and cold winter. Besides the empty houses, renovated step by step the rented houses. Heat-insulated wind and sound-proof doors and Windows are installed next to the heater. To improve the quality of living, the cultivation is currently from balconies. Monarchis asks all tenants and tenant understand that quite even occur in the forthcoming work harassment by working noise and dust.

It is essential that after the work that increases quality of living and accommodation costs will fall. The Monarchis Grundbesitz mbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of global asset AG, Munich headquartered in Neu-Ulm. Monarchis is a successful real estate and financial services company with a focus on residential real estate in Germany.

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Wood Prefabricated

Of wooden structures using precast concrete products. Many vendors advertise with prefabricated houses. Just put together, built cheaply and quickly. However as always the problem in detail. There are many ways of building with prefab House and thus the prices fluctuate too much. In this article you will learn about the most common ways of prefabricated and their differences.

In this article you will find: introducing prefab built cheaply and often: prefabricated house from wood studs massive House prefabricated with wooden panel construction precast concrete products in solid construction Massivhaus prefabricated with brick compound composites introduction prefabricated house under prefab House we understand a House which is already industrially prefabricated. More finished parts such as walls already with electrical and water installations are then transported to the construction site and rebuilt there final. Here, the roads to the land for large vehicles must be suitable, which can actually transport the prefabricated parts. These parts are then with a crane put together. The pure construction time lasts only a few days. However the floor plate like at every other House must be prepared before assembling.

A final interior design is usually also still needed. The finished House is not to be confused, which is only to the expansion level of the House with the turnkey House. Prefabricated houses can be built in several versions. Some of the possible are shown here. Get studs a commonly used construction and also relatively get stand is cheap. The load-bearing structure such as the half-timbered houses of a wooden skeleton is removed. The gaps are filled with insulating material. Due to this construction, the houses need usually little energy for heating because they consist so to speak only of insulating material. So these houses are often financed loan of the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW promotional consultant) with cheap loans. This is a drawback in the value most and offers a disadvantage, if you serious Furniture on which would secure walls. Also, it’s not everyone’s case, it can sound pretty hollow when it knocks against the walls. Wood panel construction something more complex and more expensive is the massive alternative to the wood studs, wood panel construction. The walls consist of wood composite construction that take the load bearing function as a whole. Also this construction offers mostly a low value compared to the massive stone-built stone house. A massive prefab concrete parts the prefabricated buildings are widely known. Quickly set up and in theory also quickly degraded. For the construction of the House, there are some providers who individually build your home as a prefabricated house with precast concrete products in a few days. So, the one or other massive House in this construction is made. The type of concrete that is used varies from vendor to vendor. A prefab concrete parts is usually more expensive than a house built stone on stone. The crane, which is necessary to the construction of the House alone devours much capital. Brick compound composites can also a prefabricated house Stone on stone be built already in the factory Hall. At the brick compound composites are the walls before brick already.

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Santha Estate

Due to the currently favourable prices in Bavaria as well as the historically low interest rates advise experts to real estate acquisitions. Erding / Lengdorf – every crisis brings also new interesting opportunities. Experts advise is since years countercyclical behavior so contrary to the current trend, when it comes to investing. Real estate considered stable system and include in any balanced investment mix. Often, the home is used to achieve a significant reduction in the retirement age. The real estate as an attachment or as a rental property is especially sure if the proceeds are sufficiently high and the monthly Incentives. Added are impairments, repairs and other costs such as insurance, to take into account reserves etc.. Also a loss as a result of vacancy or unemployment of the tenants, should play a role in the considerations.

Those who are interested in real estate as an investment, can make this in various forms of investment. It is of real estate funds, open or closed, on listed real estate, to the even purchased through Investment property in the form of an apartment house or a condo. While the location is important and crucial to a vacancy to avoid and to ensure realistic and rising rents. Sought after and preferred location then the value is added. In 1975, the average person had to work another 14 years to afford a condo. In 2004, there were only eight years.

Ranks average home prices declined in the same period by 19 on 13 annual income. The Ifo Institute established these facts. Now the optimum time to decide which advises the experienced real value expert wife Nadine Vonmetz, real estate agent in Lengdorf in Erding for a property is accordingly. The current financial crisis has shown many investors and savers that an investment in tangible assets such as real estate and land is often the better choice. Of course these are exposed to fluctuations but also, however these objects have a value, while speculative investments can lead to ruin. No matter whether they are now interested in an object as an attachment or home, in both cases, you should consult a competent real estate agent in your area and take advantage of the current situation in financial markets.

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