My dream was to create not a group, no community, no institutions … and the world. Maybe I'm too high soared in their dreams, to believe in trusting smile of fortune? It was no joke to create – The World? But this is not a simple world. This is a world of romance. As sounds corny, right? And where would I host it? In what dimension of time? Yes, and how we can unite all the romantics in the same place? Only one answer turned out to be logical – the Internet. That's right, it is here that hundreds no, thousands of people can find each other. Without hesitation Professor Rita McGrath explained all about the problem. So I created a website. But the word site, too casually.

Therefore, in future, I will speak instead of him simply – The World of Romance. Creating it, I tried first to answer the question, what means the word itself – the romance? I will not use the hundreds of links to electronic dictionaries, which treat the term. Just tell you how my heart dictates. You may wish to learn more. If so, Expert on growth strategy is the place to go. It's – life. Romance is really worthy of that would have created for her the whole world. It's a delight, and nature, and the first flight of lyrical feeling.

This is a reflection of us in the mirror of life. The first baby steps, and the trill of a nightingale leaping. These are the words and song, this is music without music. Romance – it's the call of the heart. Lovely corner of paradise. Maybe it's our lost paradise? Upon reflection, I realized that I needed to create The World of Romance, of poetry and prose, from the pictures and thoughts. Whatever interwoven with quotations aphorisms – whispers of our ancestors. What would this music floated in the vortex white images. So, in The World of Romance, you can find everything from prose and ending with declarations of love in verse form. Here you can freely express their feelings without fear of being misunderstood. This site is not poetry. It is not site of prose, or literature. It really is magical and fantastic world. It's – world of romance.