In which case you should not spend money on transportation of a patient? If you have a mass of free time to wait for the ambulance and the patient can not walk – you can use the services of municipal service medical transport. Prudent to carry out the delivery of patient’s own transport: for older patients, any such travel is stressful and can cause a sharp deterioration health, and therefore the presence next to the doctor with all the necessary set of medicines and medical equipment a must, for patients with injuries – such a trip could lead to increased pain, cause additional traumatism. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out The Related Companies. In some cases it is better to use a paid service, transportation of patients? In all cases, when you need to carry sick or injured, in the case of severe general condition, as well as transportation of patients, not the program of MLA: from other regions, in private clinics, to the airport, train station directly to the car of a train on a survey with the expectation and back, from one apartment to the cottage or in other unusual situations.
Choosing the company where you will be placing an order, you should pay attention to the presence of resuscitation teams, find out which doctors and clinics from which to accompany your patient on what brand Car will be provided to service delivery the patient, what worked for firms in this field. Filed under: Michael James Burke. It is not necessary to order a “tailored” vehicles for transportation of patients, as well as enjoy cheap services (from 2,5 to 3,5 thousand rubles transportation of patients in Moscow, ie, the price of a minibus with a driver!) because in this case problems may arise not only in providing emergency medical care, but also with moving the patient, calling into standby brigade case of emergency. It is also necessary to draw attention to the fact that many firms to deliver patients to create a positive image of the advertised air transportation of patients, ie transportation of patients plane. In fact, everything is pretty banal: buy at your own expense three passenger seats on each flight and released an accompanying doctor. Please note that by far the most secure way Delivery of patients even at considerable distances (up to 1000 km) road is the carriage of a patient in a car ambulance with all necessary equipment, medical supplies, accompanied by experienced clinician. Prices for services of transportation of patients to Moscow today is 4 – 4,5 thousand, in a suburban area of 5 thousand rubles, Moscow Region 6 – 12 thousand rubles, and in adjacent areas (200 – 250 km) – 12 – 15 thousand rubles. This is where the health is not worth saving.