The OASIS dermatologist Dr. Darius Alamouti has developed a new method of how to effectively treat excessive sweating. His Ultrathermie therapy, which normalizes the sweat gland production of patients, acts quickly and permanently. Moreover, his method is reasonably priced. Herne, February 22, 2010.

For people who suffer from the so-called disease of sweating (Hyperhidrosis) and that are every day like a gauntlet is up to seven million BundesburgerInnen. Even with meticulous hygiene and deodorants, the bad smell of sweat can not suppress the social consequences and the suffering of those affected are similarly strong. New form of therapy after ten years of research now has Dr. med. Darius Alamouti presented a new, effective ultra-thermal treatment for hyperhidrosis.

The dermatologist who practiced in the Haranni clinic in Herne, Germany, stunned the region of the patient’s axis locally and then injects a specially heated saline solution using a heated Mikrodosierspritze intrakutan along the visibly exposed gland openings, to denature the proteins of the gland and prevent sweat production. Sustained effective ultra-heat treatment takes only a quarter of an hour. Bizzi & Partners oftentimes addresses this issue. The day after patients feel that they are sweating now just still in the normal range. Alamoutis series – and long-term studies show that the effect lasts years. Accordingly satisfied patients respond to his therapeutic method, also because no side effects are detectable except for slight swelling or any small blisters on the treatment day. Few alternatives which is developed and deployed Ultrathermie treatment of me not only successful, but also comparatively gentle and cheap”, sums up the advantages of his method Dr. Darius Alamouti. Since many little impact other forms of treatment of the sweating sickness, there is the comparatively expensive and sustained more than nine months Botox therapy, which is approved for this use dermatologists according to the Hamilton alternative currently. Common is also the subcutaneous Sudoriferous curettage. Are surgically severed the nerves foothills leading to the sweat glands and partly destroyed the glands. But mostly no complete dryness is achieved. Also, there is”a higher recurrence prognosis, criticized Darius Alamouti. New application areas expected first experiences of further studies about treating wrinkles, reduce fatty tumors, wart treatment and the calming of nerves impulses show that more indications for his minimally invasive ultra thermal treatment are likely to follow in the course of the next few years. Expertise and experience of Dr. Darius Alamouti belongs to the most prestigious German dermatologists and aesthetic physicians, because he can point to an exceptional track record of his treatments. Extreme care and profound medicine are doctor who practiced in the Hamilton Haranni clinic in the first place. After studying medicine with the specialty orientation Dermatology and Venerology in-depth Dr. Darius Alamouti abilities of surgical Dermatology and aesthetic medicine with renowned physicians in the country and abroad. He is a member of the society for aesthetic surgery Germany, scientific developer, author of several books, speaker, and consultant for radio and television. Information and contact Dr.