Pandemic contingency planning is lacking in most of the old people’s homes, nursing homes and community meals – new practice guide is the solution! Pandemic contingency planning is lacking in most nursing homes, care and community facilities – new practice guide is the solution! The new practice facility “influenza pandemic contingency plan” Hygenia-NET, Institute of hygiene management remedy here! In the 120 pages strong Handbook the basic foundations for a pandemic emergency planning are understandable and clearly presented and shown in many practical hints what really matters. Using the work instructions, the finished version available sample plans, forms, checklists, and pandemic hygiene plans, can every operation, every nursing home, health care facility or other facility with catering quickly, easily and securely create its in-house individual emergency plan.The contingency plan can be customized to every operation. All documents are filed in a practical ring binder – just take out and adjust either manually or by means of CD-ROM on the respective establishment. A tremendous savings in time and cost, white immediately – when – as in each implementation phase to do what everyone is to minimize the impact of a possible pandemic on employees, residents, suppliers, members, and the entire operation. The World Health Organisation (WHO) experts firmly with a global influenza pandemic. Although countries and authorities have responded and is preparing for the event of an outbreak in this country as much as possible, but our old people’s homes, nursing homes or other facilities to the Community Board is absent a corresponding provision largely.
While the consequences would be disastrous here. In the heyday of a wave of disease, the facilities with up to 50 percent face personal failure with dire consequences for the maintenance and care of the wards. But the illness-related failure of suppliers and the Elimination of important resources threaten the supply and capacity of the entire operation. In the face of this threat, it is very surprising that so far only a few facilities with an emergency plan preventive measures for such an impending catastrophe met. The sponsoring organizations are responsible for crisis management measures in the institutions and the home lines with good precautionary measures, say a competent emergency planning, can soften the impact and speed up response times.
Such instruments, the Community institution, the entire home operation even in the event of a crisis can be maintained. Ensures the protection of staff, residents and families, the institution remains functional and normal everyday life will be maintained as much as possible. According to WHO the question is not whether a pandemic arrives – but only when! The practice pandemic influenza contingency plan provides the Losung…zum subscription price from 149,00 incl. VAT and NN (plusPostage / packaging 10.90) source and press contact: Hygenia-net GmbH Institute for professional hygiene management 83707 bad Wiessee phone: 08022 7054997 fax: 08022 7054998 email: homepage: