Tag: law

Landlord Perspective

What is energy modernisation and who has what rights and possibilities? A first overview of Lange took it, the new tenancy law. Hear other arguments on the topic with Dell. Political objectives and complexity of the matter required much debate. Here the aspect of energy modernization should be treated, a subject of interest to landlords as tenants. 1 Motives of the law change and consequences of increased prompted the legislator CO2 emissions, climate change, and the knowledge of the finite of non-renewable energies, coal, petroleum and natural gas, but also drinking water, to provide incentives for energy upgrading of buildings. In addition to funding programmes, grants and soft loans should a more clean brake”resolved: the right of the lessee to reduce the rent during modernisation measures and to raise the price of energy modernization in the height by the resulting loss of rent. To broaden your perception, visit Robert J. Shiller. Conversely, this means to curtail energy savings and climate protection rights of the lessee for the benefit.

2. opinions on the matter. What modernisation measures? In addition to such improvements that improve the value of the home (E.g. the installation of roller shutters, an intercom system, a lift) and or expansion create new living space, the previous tenancy law flat rate envisaged improvements to conserve water and energy. Differentiated, saving water and energy has been set with the new laws that came into force in May. A the legislature different non-renewable energy (oil, natural gas, coal) and renewable energy (wind and solar energy, renewable raw materials such as wood and other plant products), on the other hand according to the so-called primary and final energy. Final energy is the energy that is fed into the building in the form of fuel oil, district heating, electricity etc. In the primary, the expenses for the procurement of end energy, so development of the raw material, transport and E.g. refining of crude oil, etc. will be added, this term refers to so to speak a modified LCA.

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Annual Income Tax Return LBU

LBU e.V. wage tax relief organization Munich, Schwanthalerhohe veroffenlticht new post the Info Centre for maintenance costs, maintenance statement and in the nationals living abroad since 14.02.2011 the LBU e.V. wage tax relief organization / outpatient clinic Munich, Schwanthalerhohe presents itself with a new website at. If you would like to know more then you should visit james king. The outpatient clinic of the wage tax help Association LBU e.V. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has plenty of information regarding this issue. in Munich, Schwanthalerhohe is managed by the tax specialist Tatjana Albert. This today to kick off technical library to the point of maintenance expenses “expanded. The information point is caused by a request to the outpatient clinic of the payroll tax assistance Association.

By the number of members of who pay alimony to close relatives, it becomes clear how important this is. Technical library tries the core issues to work out, which keep coming up in connection with maintenance services. This is however to note that common practice problems not only with the law are to solve. Always again, the clerk in the Finance Office must be appeals in particular for maintenance expenses in the exercise of discretion if individual documents and documents not in the form required by the legislature can be taught. But every expert third party-clear is that it is tax-reducing maintenance costs. The formal requirements of the enforcement of maintenance expenses are extremely strict.

This is the circumstance to reflect that this often involves payments to foreign countries, the language here is usually not german and the family relationships are often not easy to see through. Therefore, it is always better to know to what extent formal requirements are met, and where something needs to be done prior to dispatch of the bar maintenance for taxpayers with maintenance costs. Often high tax refunds are the rewards of the efforts at the end of the year from the German Treasury. These tax refunds can then in turn flow as maintenance to the nationals, which often funds urgently need.

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Federal Labor Court

Lawyer employment law Mudter to stalking and obligation for managers what initially sounds like Anglophile concept cosmetics, is a process to seriously regularly for executives: stalking. In a recent decision, the Federal Labor Court (BAG) dealt with this. What is stalking? This is understood to be the deliberate and repeated (persistent) persecution or harassment of a person. The employer or As supervisor, you are obliged to intervene. A comprehensive duty of care, 12 AGG is apparent also from. It includes also the protection of health and life of employees. Details can be found by clicking Lincoln Property or emailing the administrator. The Act duties of the employer can go about warning and transfer up to and including termination.

In the decisive case, an employee had serious against his contractual obligation to respect to refrain from non-official contacts with her privacy and the clear desire of a work colleague, injured. This can be an extraordinary notice of termination of the employment relationship justify. Whether before a relevant warning is required, depends on the circumstances of the individual case. The plaintiff was employed by the defendant country since 1989 as administrative officer. In 2007, there had been incidents.

It came to a proceedings before the complaints board according to section 13 of the General equal treatment Act with the result that an employee who felt harassed by him, neither official nor private want contact with him and this desire was to respect unreservedly. Direct contact with the employee have “definitely to avoid labor law consequences to be avoided”. In October 2009, another turned, fellow employees as temporary workers to the lamented country and stated she will by the plaintiff in unbearable way and way harassed and afflicted. After closer survey of employee and hearing the plaintiff’s, the country announced extraordinarily terminate the employment relationship. In the room is the accusation, the plaintiffs have against the employee their expressly declared will sent numerous emails, she without official reason in her Office called or visited there and repeats and increasingly intrusive interfered in their private lives.

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Strengthening Of Consumer Protection In The Notarial Attestation Procedure

New developments in case law and legislation after up to the 1.10.2013 current version of article 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 should BeurkG work the notary in consumer contracts, that the draft Treaty is the consumer two weeks prior to the certification. The Supreme Court (judgment of 7.2.2013 – III ZR 121/12) this – contrary to contrary literary voices and attestation practice – made it clear that if this rule have not expired, the notary only may require, if the interests of the consumer are demonstrably maintained in other ways. Otherwise, he is liable for damages. In the decisive case of complaining consumers by a property developer bought two rented condominiums. Since the two-week time limit could not be kept up, the notary recorded an extensive instruction in the contract, where this fact is pointed out. It is there that the purchaser informed the waiting period and the risks on an immediate certification have passed. Shortly after conclusion of the contract, it comes to disputes over the apartments. The buyer claimed Defects and challenged the contract. He demanded the costs incurred by the amicable agreement between seller and buyer of the buyer by the notary as claims for damages on the grounds I may not notarize the contract due to lack of expiry of the waiting period this and so violated his duty. This was followed by the Supreme Court. Sense the waiting period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 Beurk G is to prevent (especially) consumers appear unprepared to the notary and often not sufficiently elucidated in the certification. Therefore should familiarize consumers in advance of certification with the text of the Treaty to consider, what questions he will judge at the notary. Note: An exception of the 2-week period comes after that case-law only consider, if an is a factual reason given (E.g. upcoming holiday absence) and the notary has verified, is that the protective purpose of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 fulfilled BeurkG in other ways, for example, through a legal advice of the consumer. Legal strengthening of the two-week period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 BeurkG now has the Bundestag on the 18.4.2013 the Act to strengthen consumer protection in the notarial attestation procedure decided that for contract validity claims, which are certified according to the 1.10.2013. The notarization law is changed as far as on the two-week period as a dispatch of the text of the proposed purchase agreement may be only those notary (or whose partner), later making the certification. The previous possibility that the acquirer obtains the contract text above other people, in particular the transferor or a broker, is thus eliminated. Should in some cases by the waiting period of rule 14 days derogated from are, must the reasons for this existing now mandatory in the document specified. Dr. Hannes of Kluhs, notary Malkasten 7, 40211 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-36 90 33 fax: 0211-35 26 61

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Notarial Attestation Procedure

New developments in case law and legislation after up to the 1.10.2013 current version of article 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 should BeurkG work the notary in consumer contracts, that the draft Treaty is the consumer two weeks prior to the certification. The Supreme Court (judgment of 7.2.2013 – III ZR 121/12) this – contrary to contrary literary voices and attestation practice – made it clear that if this rule have not expired, the notary only may require, if the interests of the consumer are demonstrably maintained in other ways. Otherwise, he is liable for damages. In the decisive case of complaining consumers by a property developer bought two rented condominiums. Since the two-week time limit could not be kept up, the notary recorded an extensive instruction in the contract, where this fact is pointed out. It is there that the purchaser informed the waiting period and the risks on an immediate certification have passed. Shortly after conclusion of the contract, it comes to disputes over the apartments. The buyer claimed Defects and challenged the contract. He demanded the costs incurred by the amicable agreement between seller and buyer of the buyer by the notary as claims for damages on the grounds I may not notarize the contract due to lack of expiry of the waiting period this and so violated his duty. This was followed by the Supreme Court. Sense the waiting period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 Beurk G is to prevent (especially) consumers appear unprepared to the notary and often not sufficiently elucidated in the certification. Therefore should familiarize consumers in advance of certification with the text of the Treaty to consider, what questions he will judge at the notary. Note: An exception of the 2-week period comes after that case-law only consider, if an is a factual reason given (E.g. upcoming holiday absence) and the notary has verified, is that the protective purpose of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 fulfilled BeurkG in other ways, for example, through a legal advice of the consumer. Legal strengthening of the two-week period of 17 paragraph 2a sentence 2 No. 2 BeurkG now has the Bundestag on the 18.4.2013 the Act to strengthen consumer protection in the notarial attestation procedure decided that for contract validity claims, which are certified according to the 1.10.2013. The notarization law is changed as far as on the two-week period as a dispatch of the text of the proposed purchase agreement may be only those notary (or whose partner), later making the certification. The previous possibility that the acquirer obtains the contract text above other people, in particular the transferor or a broker, is thus eliminated. Should in some cases by the waiting period of rule 14 days derogated from are, must the reasons for this existing now mandatory in the document specified.

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Housing Benefit Legal Entitlement

Citizens who need assistance due to their low income for rent or even used home ownership costs support no charity for needy federal and State Governments with the payment of housing benefit. Many of the links are not clear or the expense too great. The real estate portal myimmo.de explains who can claim this benefit. Not every citizen is entitled to housing benefit. The grant will be paid only to low-income households, not welfare or ALG II received. No claim has who exceed the income limit. In addition, the calculated amount of housing benefit must be over 10 euros. Also receives no housing benefit, who temporarily is absent from his place of residence or is not tenant or owner of an apartment.

Single conscripts or civilian service are not eligible to apply. Also, who refers to BAfoG or vocational training allowance, is classified as ineligible. Must submit an application to the housing benefit Office beneficiaries. The housing is from the 1st of the month Application granted. This permit is initially valid for one year. Before this expires beneficiaries should submit a new application. For processing a request for rent subsidy, the authority in addition to this request required a certificate of the lessor or the lease. For an application to load allowance application for housing benefits and other forms are to submit in order to consider the request. The height of the Wohngeldes then calculated from the number of belonging to the household family members, the amount of the family income and the amount of rent or the charges for the residential property.

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