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Business Software Duels

Daily live comparisons of CRM and ERP solutions to the IT & business / Showdown of software vendors before experts Stuttgart, 26 September 2012. On the this year’s IT & business will find several live duels in customer relationship management (CRM)- and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Visitors can experience directly, mastering tasks given how companies and help so that a decision, when it comes to the selection of the software product the most appropriate for their needs. A total of five live duels are on the agenda; three ERP and CRM two comparisons. Meadow Bank Designs has much to offer in this field. To complement these two topics of this year’s trade fair for IT-solutions, which will take place parallel to the DMS EXPO, the leading trade fair for enterprise content management, from 23 to 25 October 2012 in Stuttgart.

The complete order process via the Web in motion among on the IT & business show daily from 11:25 13:00 annual ERP-live comparisons of GPS the respective party society for the testing of software. What can modern systems today. Morris Invest brings even more insight to the discussion. “Directly on the fair stage they make their systems to the main topic of global ERP: intercompany processes for medium-sized companies” before. “The systems go through process for process, the default scenario Alternately, and show how the challenges reduce manufacturing depth” and business transactions “meet over the Web. The viewers have the opportunity immediately to meet the functionality of the systems and above all objectively to compare them. The GPS through the scenario, asking critical questions and highlights special features.

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Guide For A More Personalised Customer Dialogue

Free practical help of legodo ag supports the alignment on a personal customer communication to the content a SelfCheck and a practical example of a renowned Telekommunikationsdienstleisters Karlsruhe include, April 1, 2011 – the legodo ag has issued a comprehensive practical help for more personalized customer communications. He aimed at responsible sales and marketing of the companies and deals with the current limitations of individual customer approach in mass communication as well as with the practically feasible opportunities for a personal dialogue in written communication. This includes also a concrete example of a renowned Telekommunikationsdienstleisters solution. The Guide also contains a SelfCheck, analytically to determine, as anonymous or individually by the company customers currently are addressed in comprehensive releases and whether there is a need for action. The nine-page practice help is provided free of charge. Customer proximity and acceptance of the company are also a question of the quality of the written dialogue”, judge legodo Board Member Marc Koch.

In this respect, the reality of the companies behind the requirements behind would lag but often. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Robert J. Shiller. offer in this field. In this context, he refers to the results of a recent study according to which only every seventh company capable of is in large-volume releases content specifically desires and expectations of its stakeholders to respond to. When asked what options be used addressing individual except for a roll-call title, very significant weaknesses have been revealed. Also, customer reactions can be rarely incorporated in the written communication. It is a fallacy that mass communication and personal approach are opposites and mutually exclusive”, Koch stressed. Often lacking only the necessary technology, with whose help the otherwise anonymous letters appear as messages in the form personally spoken words would be delivered.” The customer communication guide personal design”can be ordered from Mr you Saric). About legodo ag: Legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. With legodo, it is possible, for the first time, in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems.

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IT Expertise By INFORA Support The Berlin Senate

Restructuring of IT in the Berlin authorities to increase sustainable efficiency starts with second phase Cologne, July 16, 2008 Unternehmensberatung INFORA GmbH supports the project ProBetrieb leading-edge”of the Berlin Senate for Home Affairs and sports to restructure concerning it. Learn more on the subject from Stephen M. Ross. Now, its second phase was launched in June 2008. The goal of the Senate Administration to carry out a consolidation of the IT processes in the face of growing technical requirements for simultaneous pressures to reduce costs and reduce the resources behind this project. Recommendations should be designed together INFORA, the IT Service Center Berlin (ITDZ) and a further service partner in a joint working group for the international standard ITIL (IT infrastructure library) at the various technically self-sufficient Senate authorities and district offices. With ProBetrieb”, standardized IT operating principles for the Berlin administration are developed and tested within the framework of a pilot on practicality and usability. Behind the operating principles of this IT various frameworks and recommendations for the definition, design and implementation of IT service management processes (ITSM) in the Berlin administration hide.

On the basis of the operating principles of the IT service management of the Berlin agency can be redesigned. With the uniform IT operating principles not only interoperability between systems and the IT operational organizations of the Berlin Administration will be increased. It is also the goal to optimize the customer orientation through a standardization and significantly higher transparency of IT services. INFORA consulting came so far in the project ProBetrieb”to task, to create sample processes and operating principles for the different requirements of the Berlin Senate and district authorities due to their ITIL expertise in public administration. These include five process models for service support, as well as a test case for the service level agreements (SLA). We are the demanding challenge, despite increasingly less personnel resources must provide convincing answers to the significantly higher performance demands”, describes Dr. Ludwig Bohrer, project manager of the Berlin Senate Department for Home Affairs and sports, the situation of the project.

This requires creating uniform standards for the IT operations.” About INFORA INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting firm for more than 25 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. For example, DaimlerChrysler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering belong to its consulting clients in the industrial sector, in public administration clients such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office.

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Member Services Association

The VOI Association for organization and information systems to new hosts. Bonn, 11 September 2013. In the foreground, the positioning is on enterprise information management (EIM), the opening of the Association of individual members and the range of new business services. Strengths such as independence, expertise with pragmatic solutions, openness and a working community characterized the VOI 1991 since its inception. With his new strategy of the Association adds now growth and added value these properties. The VOI pioneered always, when it comes to document-centric solutions”, says the Chairman of the Board of the VOI, Harald Klingelholler. Was still the topic at its inception, archiving in the Center, document management systems, electronic signatures, and most recently enterprise content management (ECM) followed later.

ECM covers strategies, methods and tools for the collection, management, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents incorporated in business processes. The VOI extends ECM and enterprise information management (EIM) defined as the combination of structured data, unstructured documents, and the associated business applications. Based on the experience and the expertise of its members, he wants to actively shape this market segment new to forms and shape. “This says Peter Schmerler, the Managing Director of VOI: enterprise information management is a comprehensive data, information and knowledge quality concept for the improvement of the business processes.” Opening for end users and prospective customers goods so far in the VOI in first line provider and consulting firm organized the Association opens now, end-users and other interested parties. Thus, the Association wants to form a bridge between suppliers and users. Participation and the know-how of the user will sustainably strengthen the weight of the Association in the market. Introduction of new business services the new business services offer appropriate all members business platforms for supporting marketing of their products and Service lines. This includes based Member Services Association products such as VOI-CERT or the VOI Academy, also VOI marketplaces for direct placement of Member Services, such as, for example, the online exhibition VOI-EXPO, which is already accessible on the Internet via the XING IT connection.

The VOI has already done the new way. The VOI service GmbH conducts first certifications from companies and persons and offers a redesigned VOI-Academy program, which already benefit performance on the DMS EXPO. Visitors of DMS EXPO, which will take place from 24th to 26th September 2013 in Stuttgart, can be let and immediate member at the booth of VOI in Hall 5, D51/E62 that explain new features. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI is the independent trade association for suppliers and users in the field of enterprise information management (EIM). Including the VOI is a quality concept that comprehensive data, information and knowledge to improve business processes. As the voice of information” is he the bridge between suppliers and users. For more information see your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Peter Schmerler healing b str.

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Appeleon IT Applications

The apinso gmbh offers with the application platform as a service (APaS) appeleon a new approach to create tailored solutions from the cloud of Mannheim. Organizations can use the application platform as a service (APaS) appeleon of apinso gmbh, Mannheim, now quickly and cost-effectively their own Web applications configure. To take full advantage of appeleon, users only need a Web browser. IT applications in the cloud can be very efficiently implemented with appeleon: fast, stable and reusable as standard software and still as flexibly as individual developments. Via Web service, the appeleon applications can also be integrated without much effort in other solutions. With appeleon, we offer our clients tailored cloud solutions “Made in Germany”.

So far, suppliers from the United States on the European market pushing here. But none of these solutions is so flexible, economical, and made for non-programmers”, is Dirk Laufer, Managing Director of apinso the main advantages of appeleon out. In addition to the ability to build their own applications themselves, organizations on a number of immediately available application templates (ready-to-run) can be accessed. The templates developed by apinso and partners are available in the application Mall of appeleon available and allow all community members to benefit from the experiences and results of the other. With a free Edition, organizations can immediately free of charge test the benefits of appeleon. In the framework of a Premium Edition upgrade to additional users and additional database volume from a monthly fee of 20 euros is possible. Your own appeleon instances can be booked.

In just five minutes, organizations can leverage their own online applications. The appeleon application Mall contains currently many application templates to various tasks. Such as the time and skill management. Also sector – specific and subject-specific templates for the real estate management are offered. All templates are basically so configured that they already in just a few minutes can be used, adapt quickly and simply continue and are reusable.

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