This phenomenon was not an exclusive characteristic of the city of Saints. It was the coming of the cut for Brazil and the French Artistic Mission that had placed the decisive landmark in the behavior of the Brazilian architecture. Rio De Janeiro, in this way, was the first city of the country that started to radiate new cultural aspects to the other cities of Brazil. The consequences of this new order, arrive in the lowered one in middle of the XIX. It was the moment of the neoclssico style as an official position in the architecture and painting in Brazil. The dynamism that involves the historical object of research and its citizens, is based on the geographic characteristics and the polifonia of ' ' urbes' '. The port with its catalytic activity of human resources and material determined the urban profile and new dimensions, characterizing the axle ' ' bar? centro' ' as residential, commercial, popular dividing element of sectors such as and of the elite, previously concentrated in a space region of lesser dimension, since the colonial times. This question will have to guide the conjuncture established in the rescue of the worked subject, approaching the proper economic, social and cultural activity of the city.
To point out such questions, a survey of the situation and ' is necessary; ' desenvolvimento' ' of the city of Saints. For Anna Lcia Lanna, ' ' the understanding of the development and the transformation of the city of Saints pass for the analysis of the expansion of the port, the railroad and the commerce beyond the intervention hygienist from ends of century XIX' '. The author it strengthens its description, remembering the Saturnine project of of Brito with the seven canals of pluvial water draining, that follows in direction the beach, cutting the island, defining quarters, road system and until nomenclature of residential areas that they serve to guide the population in the urban mesh, demarcating sectors where real estate values are superior or inferior as the canal next to the localization of the property.