Archive for December, 2019

French Artistic Mission

This phenomenon was not an exclusive characteristic of the city of Saints. It was the coming of the cut for Brazil and the French Artistic Mission that had placed the decisive landmark in the behavior of the Brazilian architecture. Rio De Janeiro, in this way, was the first city of the country that started to radiate new cultural aspects to the other cities of Brazil. The consequences of this new order, arrive in the lowered one in middle of the XIX. It was the moment of the neoclssico style as an official position in the architecture and painting in Brazil. The dynamism that involves the historical object of research and its citizens, is based on the geographic characteristics and the polifonia of ' ' urbes' '. The port with its catalytic activity of human resources and material determined the urban profile and new dimensions, characterizing the axle ' ' bar? centro' ' as residential, commercial, popular dividing element of sectors such as and of the elite, previously concentrated in a space region of lesser dimension, since the colonial times. This question will have to guide the conjuncture established in the rescue of the worked subject, approaching the proper economic, social and cultural activity of the city.

To point out such questions, a survey of the situation and &#039 is necessary; ' desenvolvimento' ' of the city of Saints. For Anna Lcia Lanna, ' ' the understanding of the development and the transformation of the city of Saints pass for the analysis of the expansion of the port, the railroad and the commerce beyond the intervention hygienist from ends of century XIX' '. The author it strengthens its description, remembering the Saturnine project of of Brito with the seven canals of pluvial water draining, that follows in direction the beach, cutting the island, defining quarters, road system and until nomenclature of residential areas that they serve to guide the population in the urban mesh, demarcating sectors where real estate values are superior or inferior as the canal next to the localization of the property.

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Heating Homes

The principle of heat transfer – heat radiation (on a Russian oven heating). On this principle work steel panel radiators, heat panels, connected to water systems. When heat radiation, heat rays from the battery, getting on the wall are absorbed by them. There is a warming of the walls, the moisture, which contained within the walls (cooking, washing, breathing person, etc.), air is displaced, and hence the thermal conductivity of the material decreases, ie insulating properties increase, which leads to more economic the use of heat by reducing heat loss. Heating radiant way known for a long time, usually a brick oven, a good example.

This is one reason that explains why the use of long-wavelength radiant heaters, the energy needed for heating, is used much less than when using electric guns, electric convectors, etc. For example, heat-insulated room with an area of about 100 M2 can be warm (approximately 20 elektrobatareyami power 250W) at a rate of 700-750 kW electric power in the winter months. To recall one of the buyers of equipment, cost of heating his two-bedroom apartments of 48m2 – 400 kW in the winter months, with a total capacity of 1.75 kW / h. Simple installation of the power of a qualified electrician. Electric batteries do not dry the air, do not raise dust, work quietly, do not require annual preventive maintenance, installation of available by a qualified electrician.

Even if a battery is out of order, it will not affect the whole system. The heating element in the low-temperature battery that allows you to work the equipment at least 20 years. Heating temperature up to the front panel + 65S. Further calculations for the climate zone in Ukraine. Approximate size of heating a battery 250W 5-7m2, one infrared-convective 350W 7-9m2, with a ceiling height of up to 2.8 m. Area heating depends on the number of external walls, windows and insulation of the room. For rooms with high ceilings or where there is no possibility of using space heaters wall mounted, we suggest ceiling heat panels. Their advantage in high velocity heating, possibility of installation in wet areas, as well as in rooms with high ceilings. Low heating panels heat up to +95 C with the front panel and up to 40C on the back side. Not high cost of heating and the above listed advantages make it universally accessible and easy to use. The heating system is regulated by the thermostat. To a single thermostat, you can connect up to 8 batteries 250W. Or use a thermostat in the room. Tel. 050 962-24-81 (wholesale and retail)

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Solar Panels For Homes

The problem of using environmentally clean and free solar energy, moreover, concern of humanity since time immemorial, but only recently has progress in this area will begin to form a real, evolving solar energy market. To date, the main methods of direct use of solar energy are converting it into electricity and heat. Solar radiation can be converted into permanent electric current through a solar cell – a device consisting of a thin film of silicon or other semiconductor materials. The advantage of photovoltaic cells (solar cells) due to lack of moving parts, their reliability and stability. At the same time their life is practically unlimited.

They have a small mass, are easy maintenance, effective use of both direct and scattered solar radiation. The modular design allows you to create the type of installation of almost any power and makes them at the moment is very promising. Solar panels are mainly used so far in space and on Earth only for power autonomous consumers of up to 1 kW power and low-power radio-navigation electronics equipment, electric drive and experimental aircraft. In 1988 in Australia , the first global rally solar cars. However, at present, solar cells are already finding applications in residential homes for independent power supply, ie, heating and hot water, and also to generate electricity for lighting and power appliances. What types of photovoltaic solar cells are there? Autonomous. Used in the absence of network connectivity.

Generated electricity used for lighting, power household appliances (refrigerator, TV, electric oven, dryer), electric appliances (air conditioner, fan, pump), power tools (drill, Bulgarian). Reserve. Connected to networks of poor quality, are used in the event of network outages or poor quality mains supply to meet the load. Connected to the network. If the object is connected to the network centralized power, solar panels can be used to generate your own electricity. Excess electrical energy is commonly sold electricity. PV system consists of photovoltaic modules and additional components: cables, supporting structures and, depending on the type of system (connected to a network or stand-alone back-up), is also an electronic inverter and charge controller with battery.

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Tax Inspectorate

But, you give yourself report that, along with potential tenants can call the tax inspector who is interested in renting apartments, or rather the tax on this rental. The fact is that virtually all agencies are at risk of audit Tax Inspectorate, as a consequence of the entire database with your phone on the table gets a tax inspector. Long been observed that experienced landlords can offer to rent an apartment without intermediaries. The fact is that, having passed the Housing through a real estate agency, you need to prepare for that 2-3 months would have to find a tenant. Realtors tend to offer their customers first and foremost an apartment at a higher price: because the fee for mediation services obtained above.

A few months later the realtor-broker calls the tenant offers to rent an apartment for less money: so he once again earns its services (despite the provided discount). The same trick done with the host dwelling. The agency finds more affluent customers and invites any pretext to evict the previous one. There are cases where cunning agent in this way were moved several times in During the year, three-family tenants, and new variants are not picking up: the tenants are simply reversed. So, if you want to rent or apartment for a long period, the best the option of renting apartments without intermediaries.

Apartments for rent without the agency is a more costly option, since it does not need to pay the realtor commission. But the apartments for rent by owner takes time and effort. In our time, to rent by owner apartment or room, you can use the Internet. To do this, just type in any search engine a few queries, such as: rent by owner, apartments for rent in Novosibirsk, rent without agency, rent a room, etc. Probably at your request – for rent, will be released a solid list of agencies and other middlemen, but if you look closely, you can find and homeowners who want to rent an apartment. K Unfortunately, most of the proposals "offer apartment will be from real estate agents and realtors from intermediaries. But you can find specialized resources, such as house article. If you want to rent an apartment without any intermediaries, but dom-sib site can quickly find a suitable option in almost any area of the city. Very useful site for landlords: advertise – rent an apartment, you can quickly find a tenant, but count on the price above market average. The fact is that with the help of the resource home Sib seek shelter mostly wealthy people who have computers and know how to use the Internet. Agree, it is unlikely numerous Central Asian family that poor knowledge of Russian language, will try to look for apartments without intermediaries on the Internet. After reading this article you can draw the following conclusion: if you have enough money and little time, then you can contact a real estate agency to rent an apartment. If the "finance sing songs, then – rent by owner.

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Commercial Code Article

The true facts or physically impossible not pose a threat and are not covered by insurance contract. The risk of death is an insurable risk over time might occur. a Risk Insured or Cloudy. – It provides the insurance contract, what and when you start, regardless of their improvement, which can start tacimente after delivery of the policy (with the certificate of coverage) or the payment of the premium (must keep receipts for payment) a IMPORTANT. – When reviewing an insurance contract the insured risk, it is important to monitor the following: o The pre-contractual statement of risk. or analyze the provisions for inclusion and exclusion of risk.

These elements tieneque be accurate and also not have to eliminate the risk insured, so that you an effective Risk Individualization. a Are all risks insurable? According to the Commercial Code Article 980, 984 and 986 provides a free risk assessment, so long as: o Sean uncertain and physically possible, or Nosean willful or in bad faith: (1038) or acts are not power of the insured, or Of course, not wrongful. Ensure eg a drug shipment. or Causai, insurable interest. – It is the legal relationship a " economic value economic links to the insured with the object or property insured. Without insurable interest is not secure. Does the insured must necessarily exist from the source or the perfection of the contract? Not necessarily. Can exist from the moment that comes Coverage. An object may have different economic and legal relations insurable interest: eg What unites them is: a Property Relationship Usufruct propietariaa The relationship usufructuariaa Leasing arrendatariPor relationship on the same object that may fall a separate insurance , eg, A part of a fire insurance for a house by an owner, there is a security insurance of the owner to secure their debt to the bank for payment of their house to run.

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Baroque Michelangelo

Just as in humans, there are two cerebral hemispheres – left and right, the planet Earth is its two – east and west, as well as trends in interior style, by and large, two – east and west, which in turn are subdivided into more specific. Byzantium inherent in this type of massive walls, cut by small windows and arches. Internal space is abundantly decorated with colorful carpets. Gothic (XII-XV cc.) Gothic style is characterized by elongated proportions, spacious and extremely elongated up spaces where people would feel negligible creation. In contrast, worthlessness, flesh, full flower bloomed 'stone lace' walled Gothic buildings – the birth of stained glass in the form of lancet arches.

This construction system has allowed to reach unprecedented height of the arch due to the large windows, great light. Renaissance (Renaissance), the greatest master of this era was Michelangelo Buonarroti, who was more a sculptor than an architect. With this point of view, he created the architecture as a backdrop for his winning sculpture. In particular, he duplicate columns and pilasters, and change their rhythm. Baroque Michelangelo considered simultaneously and the last master of the Renaissance and creator of the Baroque style, for it was he aware of his basic style-forming element – the plastic wall. The crown of his creation – St. Peter's Basilica in Rome – has to rank as Baroque Rococo fashion trend in the decoration of the nobility mansions of the middle and late 19 th century. Luxury living, teeming with expensive art collections.

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Hybrid Camcorders

Hybrid camcorders, success in one of the latest hits camcorders stores that has given camcorders stores are called hybrid camcorders. These camcorders combine more than one storage system at its recording mode, allowing to be used by more users profiles than the usual. Storage media that offer this type of viedocamaras vary by brand and model. The most common that you can find in the shops of camcorders are those who combine: hard drive with storage card removable cards SD hard disk with direct recording to optical storage on DVD have these two possibilities of storing the video ensures that the recording is carried out smoothly and that space missing to the user to save their projects. In addition, this versatility in storage wide public user of camcorders, which by its inmediates of recording can be jopas by: frequent travelers with great fondness at the video recording. Professionals with need for use of the camera in various environments and conditions of work, with immediacy of recording. Videobloggers and creators of content for social networks and blogs Internet users. In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, hybrid camcorders avoid the need for load with various recording media and be changing them regularly, with the consequent saving of effort and space by its users.

Between the different models and brands that we can find in shops of camcorders in this hybrid modality are Panasonic, especially the SDR families that have two ways to store your videos, via SD card and the other using a few 30 GB hard drive, variable according to the model. Another option to choose from in our store specializing in camcorders are the Hitachi’s DZ family. In these, the combination of storage is done between DVD Multiformat or hard disk, also offering an excellent chance of playing our videos almost in any digital playback medium. To protect the hard drive from one of the drawbacks of camcorders that use these camcorders have the ESP system of protection, in addition to the classic system to avoid leaving the shaky images, image stabilizer electronic (EIS). If wasn’t enough, the perfect complement to the versatility of the hybrid is the ignition system fast (1-Second Quick Start), which allows an almost immediate ignition and have camera ready to record instantly. Without a doubt, a choice of quality and multifunction these hybrid when choosing purchase in our store of camcorders in confidence. Source: Press release sent by Jeffrey. Families who controlled the real estate sector succumb to the Windows Phone 7 crisis: problems with SD cards: A Noticias2D web notifies users of Twitter that his photos reveal its location ‘ risks in Internet internet users still prefer to watch TV in the traditional way MundoInformatica & raquo Windows Phone 7 destroy the SD cards that are inserted in the phone

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School Education

But there will be a time that debenture pay the infringement because the speed limits have been set by others. We paternoster or protest the unfairness of the system but irremovable losing. We also have to pay the fine and suffer a corresponding loss of time and money. Add a Givens, a if we insist on fighting against any system dominated by others, sooner or later lose: you can be sure. What then?. Givens gives us, that must play by their rules as well to keep in mind trachea when playing in foreign territory and treatm desobedecemosa rules or to change them without the consent of the person who did it, we condemn ourselves to perder.a If nuestroa goal is to master our minds, a nuestroa own future life and how are we to operate effectively, as it seems, We also have no say in the matter? The answer is simple: just playing by the rules, although we did not. If winning is possible to advance the nuestrosa dreams and goals, the more time and energy available for this purpose have I, before it will be possible to achieve what we want. Fighting perdemosa system time and energy.

Perhaps tendemosa by nature podamosa circumvent the system and succeed, but only in the short term. In the long term, lose. Perderemosa credibility, authority, money, “image” and to the use or the affective relationship. Whenever luchemosa against a system that we can change or control, take me to lose. If decidimosa quedarnosa in foreign territory, only Podem win playing by the rules of the place we like it or not.

Givens relates also to consider trabajamosa trachea when the orders of another and Quereme nuestroa succeed in employment, experiencing the satisfaction of receiving promotions and pay raises, our only possible strategy is to play by the rules of the company or boss. Maybe ours are right or better, but that does not matter. Our goal is to win. And if you win, for one, is to obtain promotions and salary increases, gain credibility and gain the confidence of “top”, we will have to obey rules that we did not. You can choose between winning and show that we are right, but rarely can do both at the same time. Finally, take into account, to try to change the rules on foreign territory is a game that we’re not able to win, every time you try me be a price to pay. That price may be anger, frustration, depression or worse. You can costarnosa time, money, credibility and even Ela employment. Of course, even playing in foreign territory Podem choose. We may collect nuestraa ball and go home. If you do not like the head nosa, Podem resign or request a transfer. If the negative part of a relationship outweighs the positive, cutting Podem relationship. If we do not gustaa speed limits, we must drive on these roads or not to travel more by car. The fact is that even in foreign territory, the choice is ours. P

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Getting Started Building Homes

For walls fit absolutely any material (rakushnyak, brick, aerated concrete). Here to talk about each individual article, we will not. To do this, there are many online resources detailing all materials. We, as professional builders, and describe the most optimum cost and quality, the construction of the walls. Material for sten.Konechno, it all depends on the edge where you decided to build a cottage. Maybe recommended us the type of material it will not. In this case, it is possible to replace it with the most common type of material in your city. The wall of your cottage will have two layers.

The first layer – it is the most available in your area material such as limestone, the Crimean stone, stone natural that you can buy in their own city without problems. If such material does not get you, you are allowed to use them instead of cinder block and foam block. Such a collection of material provides an opportunity to reduce costs for the construction of the walls of your building. Basically, you get relatively warm walls. If in this case, the walls are obtained with cold, then we apply drywall, under which laid an additional layer of insulation. Width stenNachnem with the main rule – the width of the base is equal to the width of the walls. Maybe a little dangling bricks from the foundation. We recommend build a wall with a maximum thickness – it will warm the cottage in winter and cool in the summer of buildings.

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