Introduction. The term cerebral palsy involves a variety of diseases that affect the central nervous system, specifically the brain. There are a variety of definitions and classifications that attempt to circumscribe the tables are pigeonholed under the label of cerebral palsy. Some authors prefer to use the concept of cerebral palsy in the plural because there are many pictures of different etiologies and symptoms. So also the time when pathology appears determined membership or not the concept of cerebral palsy.
As mentioned above the concept of cerebral palsy is not the most appropriate to define the conditions. First, the concept of “paralysis” does not mean that the brain is paralyzed, but stresses that the disease is not progressive. Secondly, the concept of “brain” does not include those pathologies by cerebellar damage. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Clayton Morris. Instead you should use the concept “brain.” Next, we address briefly called “cerebral palsy” in definitions and classifications. Definitions. There are various definitions that have been adjusted over time, some overly broad and vague and other inaccurate.
Or alteration of movement or motor function caused by abnormalities, injury or disease of the nervous tissues contained within the cranial cavity (American Academy of Cerebral Palsy). o persistent disorder, but not invariable movement and posture, appearing in the first years of life, and is due to a non-progressive disorder of the brain as a result of interference in their development (RC Mac Keith, Mackenzie ICK Polania PE (1959). or set of conditions characterized by postural disorders and / or motor constant, as a result of non-progressive disruption of the brain, by interfering with their development caused before, during or after birth (up to 18 months old or so) or set of specific disorders characterized by lesion of the motor centers of the brain, pyramidal system, and / or extrapyramidal and / or cerebellar, developing, and manifested by loss of motor control. The last two definitions presented are best suited to identify and explain the various tables. Common Features. o Cerebral palsy results from brain damage occurred before, during or after birth. o motor disorders and / or postural constant. Are you interested in this item?