This is what he conveyed to the owner and ordered me to do for myself the purchase of that kitchen. Before this I searched brands and prices in three different houses, finding one of them a high quality kitchen, which was on sale because I had been told at home appliances, was only a detail of a small scratch on the front. This is to notify the owner to purchase this good kitchen made him a discount of 40% of its true value and it was also cheaper than lower quality cuisine. Authorizing this to make the purchase. 1 Matching negative: I send the cooking department, and when the plumber connected, to want to put the accessories he realizes that he was missing two racks inside to support the sources (sometimes there might be a shortage, but when the plumber was to reclaim the head of deposit, he said the offer price was about the details and that is missing, however I do not have the same thing.) This is where my office tell me the problem when I was in my car (this is the problem site in the previous article, “undercover work”). Knowing this, first talk with the plumber being on notice that if I delivered the missing, he would go to buy the grill to finish solve the problem to the tenant.
2 Matching negative: However when I call home appliances at the time the manager is not found, so I give the order to the plumber to perform the relevant purchase. When I finally communicate with the manager I remark that the employee was an inept, or directly acted in bad faith to conceal missing information. I at that point I had no problems, because I knew the owner had no fault, so the decision was taken and that if I recognized the payment, the money was going to put in my pocket, regardless of make relevant complaint for breach of trust business. However, this latter was necessary because the manager admitted his error and told me I could go through their business with the respective ballot to rejoin the money paid by these two grills.