Tag: construction and repair

Bay Apartments

Construction expertise is called an expert study, which is directly related to the construction, repair, design or construction documents, marking the land, utilities systems. Independent judicial construction expertise is prescribed in cases of disagreement between the contractor and the contractor, in the case of determining the amount and cost of work on repairing the damage that has occurred and the object real estate, if necessary, determine the status of constructions and buildings. Nobel Laureate in Economics has many thoughts on the issue. In addition, construction expertise includes the following types of examinations: Detailed examination of buildings and structures; examination Quality window designs, expert tie, door frames, and engineering systems, heating systems, insulation, air conditioning, electrical, waterproofing, lighting, examination of the bearing capacity building structures; examination of construction, repair and finishing works to resolve disputes between the contractor and the customer, identify the amount of damage at the Bay Apartments, a leakage, fire in indoors; examination site or land expertise. All these types of examinations conducted with a view to settling disputes between the contractor and the customer building and repair works to resolve conflicts between neighbors, court order. Typically, the procedure of construction expertise like this: on arrival at the customer's office is an expert organization, he receives expert advice and draws up his application for examination in which carefully describes the problem to be solved – for example, claims to the volume, quality, cost of construction. Next, determine the length of the volume, the cost of the study.

Expert bargain with the customer about acceptable departure time at the facility for the study. After that payment of expert uslug.Ekspertiza held at the appointed time and contains the part of the research, which concerns direct study of the object and its qualities. Then be drawn up inspection of the object, which is signed by the customer. Further, the expert draws an expert opinion with the application of related materials – facsimiles, tables, laboratory data (if any) certified copies of diplomas and certificates of experts, who took direct part in the examination, copies of licenses, certificates, certificates of a company that provides expert services. This conclusion is handed to the customer. It may be documentary evidence of claims in court if the expert has been appointed by the judge.

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Front Doors

Once in the apartment renovation begins, the question "What do I do with these ceilings?" Discouraged many hunting for repair. Yes, a complex question. Immediately covered with a film submitted to furniture and flooring, covered peeled off dry paint, etc. All this could have been patient, knowing that the outcome will meet the expectations and get quality, smooth surface, which serve more than one couple of years. In man-made century it was felt that the wooden door is not able to guarantee the safety of the apartment. Armoured door – that's a guaranteed response to frequent break-ins of apartments and private homes. Is this true? We consider each type of door, with its positive side and note design flaws. The first – a wooden door.

It is sufficiently strong, as if made of oak or other dense wood, it has a fairly large resistance to cracking. Correct execution of wood door locks with built-in laser incisions may ward off burglar – it does not take a crowbar and selection keys. Planted only with stenobitnoy machine. Click lyft to learn more. Additional positive from this type of doors – a chic, rich look. Even the cover 'a timber' iron door can not be compared with the noble varnished wooden surface.

The door of the tree has sufficient heat and sound insulation, but is subject to humidity fluctuations air. To prevent drying out of its cover special structures, although this increases the cost of an already expensive purchase. Another type of gentrification – carving on the front door. Mainly used in offices, which is important, not security functions (alarm, guard post), and . As well as forged fence, underlines the high status of the firm. Especially since the right-treated wood will last in contact with the external environment than pvc and other synthetic coatings. Good door protects your home, office of penetration. Bad – can give to repulse even paneled wooden partitions. The basic details that must present in each armored doors – a rigid skeleton of complex shape (frame not only on the perimeter), welded construction around the junction of the leaf with a framework, hidden adjustable hinges (if they can not be cut off grinder and open the door), the system vandal-resistant coatings, anticorrosive coating door. To increase the Burglar is possible to order crossbar locks, although today it is no longer an option, as standard equipment. Steel door has a good sound insulation properties, only if the design inside the door used heat and sound insulating materials. As a rule, it is non-combustible fillers, most mineral wool. Heat loss possible between the door and frame, so you should pay attention to the strip, their period of service, and pay particular attention to filling the building with foam mounting hvov. And in conclusion I would like to remind you that no door can not guarantee 100% burglar resistance. This is just one species to prevent penetration, so choose not only the 'book', but also beauty, even if it's steel door.

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Baroque Michelangelo

Just as in humans, there are two cerebral hemispheres – left and right, the planet Earth is its two – east and west, as well as trends in interior style, by and large, two – east and west, which in turn are subdivided into more specific. Byzantium inherent in this type of massive walls, cut by small windows and arches. Internal space is abundantly decorated with colorful carpets. Gothic (XII-XV cc.) Gothic style is characterized by elongated proportions, spacious and extremely elongated up spaces where people would feel negligible creation. In contrast, worthlessness, flesh, full flower bloomed 'stone lace' walled Gothic buildings – the birth of stained glass in the form of lancet arches.

This construction system has allowed to reach unprecedented height of the arch due to the large windows, great light. Renaissance (Renaissance), the greatest master of this era was Michelangelo Buonarroti, who was more a sculptor than an architect. With this point of view, he created the architecture as a backdrop for his winning sculpture. In particular, he duplicate columns and pilasters, and change their rhythm. Baroque Michelangelo considered simultaneously and the last master of the Renaissance and creator of the Baroque style, for it was he aware of his basic style-forming element – the plastic wall. The crown of his creation – St. Peter's Basilica in Rome – has to rank as Baroque Rococo fashion trend in the decoration of the nobility mansions of the middle and late 19 th century. Luxury living, teeming with expensive art collections.

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We Buy Only The Good Elements Of Wiring !

With each subsequent year, the recommendation to fire houses, in general, and to the accommodation separately, are increasingly becoming more severe. This is due primarily to the showgirl, which itself exists in our country, specifically on the indicators that the number of deaths of our compatriots in the fires, remains very large. The list of mandatory requirements for fire fighting of any specific premises, there are standards for electrical wiring, and in particular to form connections in junction boxes. Say, for instance, if still quite recently was allowed to perform the cable connections to junction boxes option twisting them, then certainly under current conditions, such kind of installation in any case prohibited. Thus, one possible option for secure connection cable wiring in practice is connection with special terminals.

Naturally, these terminals must comply fully with Gosstandart, and to be a standard pattern. Definitely it is considered as such terminals wago, a fully satisfying existing fire protection requirements. At the moment there wago terminals in a different form, designed for all sorts of stress. In addition to this are also itself to the telephone wire, and mount appropriate surveillance systems and burglar alarms. In fully to mention that in addition to wiring connections in order to protect any building from a short circuit in electrical networks, required to mount robust and in addition to load the appropriate sockets and switches. Much to our regret, it should be noted that, in general, at the present time in the markets of our country, a large number of available low-quality outlets and switches, and moreover, that in real life is quite capable of becoming the main cause of a fire.

To protect yourself personally and in addition to private property from fire, should not buy too cheap low-quality products of dubious manufacture. Perfect example is quite capable considered Legrand sockets and switches valena legrand, which, in reality, actually be the best ratio of price and quality. In addition to this we must also note that valena legrand outlet in reality will be quality products, collected from environmentally friendly materials, and have a decent use of the term. Each system circuits can not be performed without protection devices against overload and short circuit, and because they at least can actually cause a fire wiring and thus a fire in the room. Among the conditions imposed on such devices should be mentioned that the technical reliability and capabilities with those on the housing options. At present, such protection device is available to advise highly reliable machines abb. Manufactured by the manufacturer of circuit breaker abb fully meets state standards. And definitely thanks to a wide a range Along with a variety of characteristics, such as the rated current, rated breaking capacity and the addition and a large range of cross connected wires, provide the opportunity to put them in any electricity supply itself as individual apartments or private houses, just and enterprises operating equipment with an impressive power.

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Strengthening the Foundations

Strengthening the foundations – the most laborious process in the repair of any buildings. Selecting the way to strengthen the foundations in the first place depends on the reasons causing it. The destruction of the basement around the perimeter. With this form of destruction along the tape or on the perimeter of pier foundation digging a trench. Surface of the foundation and walls thoroughly cleaned of dirt and old plaster, and then in the design of foundations clog metal net, which, referring to a dis-tance attaches to the anchors, released from foundations and plinth of the wall. Install formwork and concreted. After curing the concrete trench to sleep with a careful layer by layer plugging.

Replacing destroyed part of the foundation. In this case, suit new and additional areas on the sides of foundation, formed in the form of masonry, stone, getting the clutch to the desired width and providing a link between old and new masonry. Foundation base is not deepened. Strengthening areas of foundations. foundations made of rubble, rubble concrete, reinforced concrete, soil-concrete and other materials satisfied with reinforced concrete broadened the clip, which closely relate to the existing masonry through anchored so as to re-made parts "worked" together with the old part of the foundation and transmit the load on the ground. Increasing the bearing capacity of the base stations. If necessary, along the weak, requiring the discharge of foundations on both sides spread a new, for which load from the overlying the building is transmitted through concrete or metal beams passing through the mounting part. Newly laid the foundations of cross-cutting anchor anchors to existing foundations for a joint "work" the old and new foundations.

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Russia Construction

That is why wooden houses all over the world are the most expensive and prestigious. Today in wooden construction used mainly four well-known architectural and construction systems: building construction made of logs, bar, frame and panel construction. In Russia, the most traditional is the construction of houses made of logs (OTSB). For construction is usually used pine or hardwood tree. Most prized timber from northern latitudes, where the tree grows only 3-4 months, very slowly, reaching the age of 100-150 years. This provides an extraordinary strength and density of construction material and natural resin protects the wood from rot and reduces its thermal conductivity. The walls are made of this material hold heat in two times better than a brick wall the same thickness. otsb advantage of when building a house is a smooth, round shape, allows to achieve a tight connection logs.

Identical in length logs, first grind to a diameter of 18-32 cm (the most popular – 28 cm), cut out the necessary grooves for fixing holes for windows and doors. Then the house collect, as a designer. Wall necessarily cover special breathable varnish to provide protection from environmental influences. This avoids the extra costs of repair and decoration of the walls – yet another plus in favor of otsd. The undoubted downside is the price of a house built of logs. It is unlikely that it will be cheaper than a brick (Price per square meter in the new wooden house ranges from 25 to 45 thousand rubles.), And time for construction itself will take much longer (only for shrinkage take a year and a half).

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Upholstery Work

Upholstery work must be performed in accordance with the approved samples. Acceptance is made only after the complete drying of surfaces covered with shrink or pasted linkrusta. Quality upholstery work should meet the following requirements: the laminated surfaces should not be bubbles and blemishes, and all banners must have the same color and shade; fit the figure at the joints must be accurate; omissions and delamination not allowed; joints wallpaper with label their butt should not be visible at a distance of 3 m, with Wallcovering lap cloth edge should be facing towards the light (towards the windows); distortions, shriveled, looseness adjacency to the base (in places wallpaper contiguity to the slope of openings) are not permitted; edge glued wallpaper should be vertical; gluing wallpaper edges of the casings and baseboards are not allowed. Table. 44 listed ways to eliminate defects in upholstery work. Measurement made of upholstery work is performed on the surface is actually covered with a net area of door and window openings. table 44. methods of elimination of defects wallpaper works The cause of the defect Remedy Full or partial peeling wallpaper near the eaves Covering surfaces previously painted water-Kohler, too rapid drying out wallpapers from drafts or excessive furnace; weak thick paste with wallpaper wallpaper Perekleit Bubbles and wrinkles Slow drying: a strong paste with thin wallpaper; negligent smoothing Cut bubbles and wallpaper glue the inclined blades work without Plumb Perekleit curvilinearity figure Negligence in fitting the picture when gluing wallpaper – Thick seam pasting the old wallpaper without pre-cleaning welds; pasting overlap with dense wallpaper – Threads seams pasting overlap wallpaper was made for light – Pollution wallpaper, filled with edge glue seeping through the wallpaper in Negligence; smearing hot wallpaper paste – wallpaper Gaps in the corners of the walls by gluing the whole angle cloth without cutting it with an allowance of 2-3 cm right corner okleit lag wallpaper from casings and baseboards Places in casings and baseboards before Wallcovering not grease Grease and flour paste glue Germination color underlying Wallpaper Application of low-quality aniline dyes in the manufacture of wallpaper Remove old wallpaper glue paper and wallpaper paste over again solid blotches under the wallpaper glue or contaminated Clean the surface of solid particles and perekleit negligence in cutting edge Perekleit Wallpaper Ripped

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Home Heating Devices

Therefore, in such systems can be used safely only heavy and unsightly cast iron radiators, which are particularly resistant to extremes of temperature and oxygen. On a modern and efficient heating devices have to forget. The most common are systems with a circulating pump can use a pipe with a smaller cross section, and therefore, ultimately prove to be more "economical". In addition, as a rule, they closed, that is, they use the diaphragm expansion tanks in which the coolant is not contact with atmospheric air. This allows the diversity of modern space heaters – bimetal and aluminum radiators, steel panel and tubular heaters, finally, design radiators. However, and here the problem of dissolved oxygen and corrosion does not cease to be relevant.

If, on domestic regulations, the oxygen content in the coolant should be no more than 0,02 g / l, in practice and in the central systems, and autonomous (with intensive feeding of) this value is ten to twenty times more. It is therefore reasonable to use modern, corrosion-resistant pipes, for example, such as tubular steel radiator Charleston Pro (Development Zehnder) with a special internal anti-corrosion coating. "Pitfalls" Mounting As previously mentioned, assembly defects are manifested at once. Often "in place" they are difficult to observe even for an expert. Shortcomings declare themselves in the worst possible moment – during the heating season. They appear usually leak coolant and reducing power of the system, because of what housing does not get the right amount of heat. Major errors installers, for which then pays the customer, are fairly typical.

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