What is energy modernisation and who has what rights and possibilities? A first overview of Lange took it, the new tenancy law. Hear other arguments on the topic with Dell. Political objectives and complexity of the matter required much debate. Here the aspect of energy modernization should be treated, a subject of interest to landlords as tenants. 1 Motives of the law change and consequences of increased prompted the legislator CO2 emissions, climate change, and the knowledge of the finite of non-renewable energies, coal, petroleum and natural gas, but also drinking water, to provide incentives for energy upgrading of buildings. In addition to funding programmes, grants and soft loans should a more clean brake”resolved: the right of the lessee to reduce the rent during modernisation measures and to raise the price of energy modernization in the height by the resulting loss of rent. To broaden your perception, visit Robert J. Shiller. Conversely, this means to curtail energy savings and climate protection rights of the lessee for the benefit.

2. opinions on the matter. What modernisation measures? In addition to such improvements that improve the value of the home (E.g. the installation of roller shutters, an intercom system, a lift) and or expansion create new living space, the previous tenancy law flat rate envisaged improvements to conserve water and energy. Differentiated, saving water and energy has been set with the new laws that came into force in May. A the legislature different non-renewable energy (oil, natural gas, coal) and renewable energy (wind and solar energy, renewable raw materials such as wood and other plant products), on the other hand according to the so-called primary and final energy. Final energy is the energy that is fed into the building in the form of fuel oil, district heating, electricity etc. In the primary, the expenses for the procurement of end energy, so development of the raw material, transport and E.g. refining of crude oil, etc. will be added, this term refers to so to speak a modified LCA.