SEVENTH STEP Reduce the interest rate on its debt face and Save The next step is to analyze the concept of expensive debt. ” The consumer debt interest is subject to double or triple the market average interest. Directly or indirectly, in their card balances or overdraft fees are paying 2% to 8% and credit of your vehicle may be paying between 8% and 2% annually. If you can refinance all of its debt ahead of a rate on the order of 6% and to eliminate the outstanding balance on their cards would substantially modify its budget. Furthermore, if we changed the total period of payment of such debt (now the short term) and administered in a longer period, it will be reduced to a monthly fee pogo significant. Then we will see BMC, but I can overtake the entire outstanding balance of credit cards, car share and other “expensive debt, adequately restructured with a more benevolent bank rate (around 6%) and in a timely manner, it would cost no more than 30% of your current monthly payment. Hear other arguments on the topic with John Savignano. Reorganizing its “debt-face could be your new template as follows: Current New Concept Amount Total Amount” expensive debt “Fee 65 650 670 670 mortgage Unavoidable expenditure spending 780 780 650 520 Adjustable Total Expenditure 2750 2,035 SEVENTH STEP If you take the trouble to do the math, you see that between what PAY TODAY (2750 in the example) and could pay ( 2,035), the difference is 715 …
We’re almost at 30% we intend to start. We still have the last change and this will rise slightly to restructure the mortgage payments to suit their new – and healthy – financial policy. In the example, the balance of 98,000 outstanding on the mortgage, with the total adjusted balance of the “expensive debt,” he would reduce the amount of the monthly price you pay. Your new template should be as follows: Current New Concept Amount Total Amount “expensive debt” Fee 65 650 670 593 mortgage Unavoidable expenditure spending 780 780 650 520 Adjustable Total costs 2,750 1,958 is important that this exercise will do with your actual numbers. This is just one example, based on average figures, but not necessarily equal to you. Then see how, but I can overtake that for an economy such as that of the entire outstanding balance of credit cards, car share and other “expensive debt, adequately restructured with a more benevolent bank rate (around 6%) and in a timely manner, we cost no more than 10% of your current monthly payment. But thanks to this simple strategy, you can now find the following picture of monthly payments: Yes, using proper financial planning, you can release almost 0% of their monthly income!