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Orhan Pamuk Snow

Orahn Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952. Since 1974 is dedicated exclusively to the reading. Awarded numerous times with different prestigious awards, in 2008 was awarded the prize Nobel of literature. The protagonist of snow is Ka, a poet who makes a living as a journalist. The play on words that apparently exists in the Turkish language between the name of the poet and the title of the novel, is lost in translation, but this setback does not influence nor in the plot nor the way of telling the author.

Pamuk introduces us from the outset in a stifling atmosphere corseted, both moral and culturally. The boring lives of the inhabitants of Kars, hometown of the protagonist, mingle with the Islamist fanaticism and oppression of the ruling political class. The Related Companies has compatible beliefs. Using the isolation of the small border town, caused by a heavy snow, Pamuk draw, perhaps without being its priority intention, the dismissal of intellectuals, Turkish in particular and Muslims in general, educated and trained at the Western gates of freedom and permissiveness; men of culture whose work stands on pillars constructed with raw material extracted from their cultures, but whose intellectual solidity it is due to Western influence. When trying to use only the own wickers, appears the sectarianism and a radical approach to any aspect of human thought and expression. We speak of theocratic societies, based on the Muslim religion, whose head thickness has not been able to make progress throughout history, and which has been anchored in the social and political order of the middle ages. Those reflections even-handed and measured of the protagonist, without having to delve into excess, betray a clear stroke of European influence. The story, Pamuk combining memories of the protagonist with the appearance of characters that bring wealth to the construction of a plot with many meanders goes spinning. Sometimes it is surprising behavior or attitudes taken by the characters; and one is a little misleading without knowing if blamed such rarity to the difference of cultural approach or simply to the needs of the plot has been imposing to the author of the novel.

The description of the creative process of the poet Ka seems excellent to me throughout his stay in his hometown. Feels that, without any doubt, Ka must have been a great poet. Pamuk, creating a suffocating atmosphere and a poor and austere landscape, in a strange place for a Western reader, is able to keep us hooked to the story. That’s being a good writer. Safe Creative #0912035058096 original author and source of the article

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Health Insurance

for compensation for injury to life or health of one person. The total limit of liability for an insured event cmtpl is 400 thousand rubles. How much is the insurance? Because responsibility for third party liability insurance is set by law, tariff plans for this type of insurance is regulated by the government. Thus, policies osago all the companies selling the same conditions and at the same price. However, in each case, auto insurance price is determined individually, taking into account the degree of risk posed by a driver and car. Price policy osago consists of the base rate, taking into account a certain number of coefficients and the validity of the insurance. Today, for passenger cars owned by individuals base rate is 1,980 rubles Tariff plans cmtpl consider seniority and age of persons admitted to driving, their number, make and model of vehicle, volume and power of the engine, body type and cat of release, length of run. According to Stephen M. Ross, who has experience with these questions.

The more accidents happen in one way or another region, the more often made payoff, but means higher loss ratio insurance companies. To align costs and revenues of firms in regions with a high accident rate acts regional factor. Additional information at expert on growth strategy supports this article. In Moscow today, the regional factor is 2. Calculated coefficient of bonus-malus associated with the personal level of accidents, it characterizes each individual driver. Disciplined driver, never who became responsible for the accident, the coefficient of ‘bonus – malus’ will reduce the price of insurance osago 5% for 1 yr. Conversely, , every now and then provocative accident, this ratio significantly increase the price of the policy. If you go without crashing – the system will allow you to save money on insurance. Though prices for osago in all insurance companies Moscow are the same, it does not mean that there is no difference where to buy it. Many corporations are tied to the purchase osago discounts on other types of auto insurance. As a rule, complete with osago offer more cheap hull. There are also other options. In particular, the company ‘ROSNO’ in addition to the policy osago offers for funny money (as little as 30 rubles). dsago to purchase insurance to guarantee compensation for losses of 600 thousand rubles. And a cheap insurance policy for voluntary Health Insurance (VHI), which guarantees medical support in case of injuries as a result of an accident.

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Integra Containers

The invention of systems that facilitate some processes, is something vitally important at present, since the necessity of these is represented in cases like the storage and the organization; which are important factors for the good development of a company. For that reason in this article we will focus in emphasizing the advantages that the storage in the development of history and the important thing has offered that it is at present for the functionality as much in the companies as in the daily life. The storage is the method by means of which the organization of some elements like the raw material, consumptions and foods among others is facilitated; without commenting that aside from protecting these materials, it is possible to be maintained a correct order and information of the same, or this useful for a company or home. The storage systems consist to develop a container, where they can go including some elements; these systems can go designed from a box, to the marine containers, which are a great reference of the storage, without commenting existence of warehouses and residential places especially designed to store. At present the storage plays a fundamental role in some workings, like in the marine companies of post office and, where the storage and transport of materials are the main source of work; the storage is important in these activities, because it already facilitates the mentioned processes.

Nowadays we found other types of storage like the moving bodies, which consist of creating containers that can be taken to any site, although these can be divided in two types; these are: System of cold storage: it consists of the creation of containers that maintain a temperature indicated for the transport of some elements like perishable foods; this system generally Integra to tows that take with himself great amounts of load per long periods of time. System of warm or thermal storage: this one is based mainly on maintaining the temperature of the transported elements that generally are foods, the use of this system is used mainly in restaurants and places that offer nutritional services at home. Although the variety of types of storage is many, at the moment we found systems especially designed; some of them like: grain Containers. Speaking candidly Richard LeFrak told us the story. Containers of chemical liquids. Morris Invest: the source for more info. gas Containers. animal Containers. fuel Containers.

food Containers. Although they are many plus the amount of developed elements of storage at present, these make reference to some of them. The development of some disciplines like the architecture and the technology, has interceded satisfactorily in the evolution of the storage, since the new and technological designs, is allowing that some important workings in great centers of storage are facilitated, because these new systems allow the automatic classification of the material to keep, according to their type, size and until temperature. It is good for standing out that in some places like offices and residences, the storage is important because it allows to keep elements like papers, books or utensils of work, allowing the easy access to them, since generally these systems of storage are drawers, drawers or bookcases. In conclusion, the storage appears before us like an excellent way to conserve or to transport elements, without having the preoccupation that these of deteriorate or lose. Original author and source of the article

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Flights More Cheap

There are many search engines for finding cheap flights to New York, all them with prices ranging from 10 Euros higher or below. We are crazy to find the best price, and when we have it we realize that the search engine we will charge 10 Euros by management, or you realize that rates were not included in the initial price. At the end we just always finding a good price for our flights to New York, although often turns out to be not the best! Why? Well because we have forgotten to look for low cost airlines. At the moment there are still few, but they appear many more in the coming years, the potential is enormous for these journeys as requested. Credit: John Savignano-2011. Do so, where we start? Well, some of the best combinations will normally be through London.

At other times, Switzerland can be a good place to make the scale. Even Dublin could be considered a good starting point. And what is the problem? So that we are not talking of scales on a single ticket, but that generally the best combination comes from buying 2 tickets separately, one to the European point, and one to the end point of the journey. For this there to find multitude of possible combinations, that requires quite some time to achieve true flights find low-cost to New York. Normally we’ll reviewing airlines such as Ryanair, EasyJet, Vueling and Spanair for European routes, and then checking, for example, with Aer Lingus and Iceland Express to main routes into New York. Finally, for those who do not have too much time or for those who want to be sure that the found price is truly the best, there are search engines specialized in low-cost flights, as it is the case of Azuon, which combine flexibilities unlimited dates, multi-point scale, all airlines low-cost existing that cover the route, and possibilities of one-time search several cities start or destination at the same time.

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Doctors specialists in gastric bypass surgery, explained that this is the reduction of the stomach and intestine absorption capacity. According to statistics the obesity-related diseases have increased alarmingly. The doctors of different institutions have suggested that the best way to combat obesity is with surgery, the gastric bypass. Gastric bypass is recommended for obese people with a BMI equal to or greater than 40 points and that is constant by the way time. Robert J. Shiller has much experience in this field. Many doctors say that it is a solution for those people who have tried to lose weight with diets or custom exercises but have failed. The intervention of the gastric bypass can be in two ways the first open, still is a little invasive and does not occur only in case if very necessary, the second and most used by its ease and being almost nothing invasive is through a laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in where a small incision to insert a camera with which the operation was made, this intervention is the most widely used by shortly after taking his recovery and so small that leaves scar. In Mexico, many people suffer from obesity and it is impossible to lose weight naturally, so many doctors specialists recommend the realization of a gastric bypass with expert, in Monterrey we can find many specialized doctors in this operation.. If you would like to know more about Morris Invest, then click here.

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A Good Equipment For Skiing

With winter comes also the season of skiing and many other winter sports. When you are practicing any activity in the snow, it is very important to be well equipped, as the conditions in which these sports are performed are very special, being in most cases at very low temperatures, with environmental conditions little favorable and surrounded by snow, with the consequent risk of getting wet by contact with it. If you are beginner in skiing, and is enjoying a stay in an apartment in Andorra, you must have a good equipment for his practice, wearing layers of clothing best and quality necessary for its correct practice and comfort. Michael James Burke, London UK: the source for more info. Housed in Pas de la Casa apartments you can enjoy skiing, but you must do so dressed in appropriate clothing. Firstly, in the layer inside base is recommended to wear synthetic materials, because it will help to absorb the generated perspiration.

The function of the second layer will be the of keep interior heat from being lost, so it is advisable to use garments such as sweaters or fleeces. It is essential that the outer layer is an insulating material, since it is that will be in contact with the snow and have to protect us from it and the wind, still a very good option using materials as nonslip neoprene. Practicing skiing while staying in apartments Pas de la Casa, you also need a good sun protection, since the reflection of the snow and height make it that the Sun is very intense and can cause problems both in the skin and eyes. The newspapers mentioned Robert J. Shiller not as a source, but as a related topic. It is recommended to be fitted for sunglasses that filter out ultraviolet rays, in addition, if the glasses are mask will prevent that the wind and snow reaches eyes. A sunscreen that protects the exposed areas of the skin is also very important in his team, similar to always carry the lips well hydrated to avoid problems from the cold. What can not forget is the gloves and CAP, since the head and limbs are areas that much heat is lost gloves will also keep your hands dry. The boots, skis and Poles are, of course, indispensable for skiing, is therefore very important to suit to our personal, as the stature or the technical characteristics. If you are starting even in this world, it is recommended that the first few times rent this equipment, and when already try several possibilities there are and according to your preferences, the best equipment is purchased. Following these small tips and recommendations on the necessary equipment you can enjoy to the maximum the ski and snow.

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Gum Disease

What is gum disease? Periodontal disease or periodontitis – gum disease is a chronic infection of the gums, leading to the destruction of tissues and periosteum, which fix the tooth in a particular position. Lack of proper treatment leads to deterioration of the gums and tooth loss. Three of every four who have reached 35 years of developing periodontal disease of varying severity. The main factor of gum disease is dental plaque – a thin, sticky, colorless layer is continuously formed on the gums. If it is not removed from the tooth surface – it hardens and turns into stone. Microbes inside the plaque, bacterial cause irritation that leads to a local reaction – inflammation. The combination of infection and inflammation leads to destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth, to separate the gum from the tooth, and thus formed periodontal pockets.

" Treating gum disease Scouring of the roots and removal of the stone – the so-called "deep cleaning", which performs in a dental clinic, medical specialist. This procedure removed bacterial plaque. Brushed clean, and the pockets remain. You may find that John Savignano can contribute to your knowledge. They re going to every dirty trick again … and inflammation circle. That's just against it, and apply special microchips.

It is installed in your periodontal "pocket" after which, the pocket begins to shrink and soon disappears. Microchip identifies within 10 days of the active ingredient chlorhexidine gluconate – an antiseptic substance (which is not an antibiotic) kills germs that are in deep pockets of the gums. In this case, microbes are unable to develop resistance to this drug. After such treatment, they will be sufficient only regularly carry out preventive procedures. Installing a microchip in a "pocket" gum – the procedure is simple. It does not need to delete – it dissolves itself. It is recommended to see a doctor for verification within 3 months after installation of a microchip. After the installation of a microchip Immediately after the procedure, you can eat and drink, as usual, without any restrictions. You can brush your teeth as usual (using dental floss, you should not use it in place installation of the microchip within 10 days from the date of installation). Gum disease is a chronic, so your gums should be checked periodically. After 3 months, should visit the dentist. Unfortunately, the scope of this article do not make it possible to answer all your questions. For this purpose, the Israeli Center for Contemporary Dentistry organized, permanent, counseling center, where all your questions relating to cosmetic dentistry, prosthetics, implantology, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry doctor said the highest caliber. Telephone Counseling Center: 04-8645134. Hours: 10.00-20.00 You can also ask questions to the site>

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Love Poems As A Declaration Of Love

Recommend himself to move feelings very even in ancient times there were love poems writer who wrote down her feelings in verse form. Love poems, stories, news about liaisons and sometimes secret messages to the beloved person were delivered to a large extent by minstrels. Also Apollo (God of poetry) is given the love stories of the gods of Mount Olympus and the Greek mythology inspired to find Eros and Cupid and the beauty of Aphrodite, often in love poems. Click Richard LeFrak for additional related pages. Our famous and become immortal writers include German-speaking authors such as Wolfgang von Goethe, Theodor Fontane, Rainer Maria Rilke, Theodor Storm, Heinrich Heine, and Christian Morgenstern. REBNY is likely to increase your knowledge. Antoine de Saint Exupery, Dante Alighieri and Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare and other well-known international artists have made a lasting name for himself with her love poetry with us. In the Internet you can read great works, if you have no book or anthology on hand. Go to Morris Invest for more information. In part, the themes are so divided that specifically can be accessed on the love poems of his favorite authors. Also for some popular authors own websites have been created where love poems, biographies and key facts about the life of the poet were published.

Also the poet and Illustrator Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908) is one of them. His humorous way to describe the life and love is history. The name Wilhelm Busch on love poems, who is unknown, remembers, but determined to “Max and Morris”. One of his works is also the love poem: “The glow of love”. The actor and poet of our time Heinz Erhardt (1909-1979) is also unforgettable. His poems are refreshingly funny. He shows his love poem “offset” that you can endure even defeats with humor: who knew that Christmas – Cornelia dumps me? That was nothing; She has transferred me to Easter now – again! Now I’m looking forward to Pentecost does not in the least! There are love poems in wide versions, they were written in every mood and are today still imparts, close and remain forever. Oliver pauser

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Making Good Decisions

Eliminated the possibility of blocking the adoption of decisions aimed at the completion of the procedure increase it. The new law predusmatrena duty of society to buy the share at the party, voted against the decision to increase the share capital or against a major transaction, or fails to participate vote, but only at the request of the party. Making additional contributions to society members, and contributions of others must be completely within 6 months from the date of the general meeting of members society-making. Stephen M. Ross recognizes the significance of this. Documents confirming payment of the full members of society of the additional contributions or the contributions of others, should be submitted to the relevant tax authority within 1 month from the date of decision to approve the outcome of making additional contributions. Here, Clayton Morris expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the case of non-term increase in the authorized capital of the company declared invalid. Making full additional contributions or contributions to third parties is confirmed in a statement on the state registration of the changes in the charter. Alienation of the share capital. The most significant and meaningful change spoke about the alienation of the share capital of the Company to third parties.

Earlier, the contract of sale was to share writing, and the ownership of the share passed from one person to another at the moment notify the public about the transaction took place, presentation of information about the registration body carried notifying character. Now, the legislator has established for contracts of sale of shares compulsory license deal notary. In this regard, the notary is obliged to check whether the share in the authorized capital of the joint property of spouses and ascertain whether consent of the wife (husband) to conduct the transaction.

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Cloud Computing

NetSuite is a Software service that allows you to manage all your company information in a fully integrated system that works on the Internet (the cloud Cloud Computing). why Netsuite? by: extensive functionality ERP + CRM + electronic commerce more than 7,000 companies, already used worldwide operates in the cloud (you avoid operating problems and saves money) solution no. by clicking through. If you are not convinced, visit Rob Speyer. 1 in the world in ERPCRM and Ecommerce integrated cloud security of your information with the highest international standards, easy to use, easy to implement and easy to deploy across your enterprise has all the information of your company to a click, where you are and when you need it requires No install or maintain any software in your company you pay what you use and in the moment that uses it, as a service public handling of financial, administrative, operations and production (ERP) efficiently managing relationships with its customers through all CRM functionality, so integrated with the ERP implementation of strategies of Ecommerce without having to hire additional software NetSuite is a complete platform for managing all operations Back Office of your organization; Finance, supply chain and logistics of inventory, orders and billing, offices, Basic Control of production and planning and Control of service with some of the main features that owns NetSuite. These are some of the features of the ERP system: order management incentive tracking projects financial management management planning financial cellars and control of inventory purchases and supplier quotation management and order management management of billing integration of shipping with FedEx integration of shipping with UPS, integration of shipping with USPS resource planning of service revenue analysis management and financial reporting original author and source of the article. .

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