Kohlstetter real estate in Tubingen lets its customers between fee and fixed price model select and save. The fixed price model has the character of a private sale. Kohlstetter real estate in Tubingen strikes new ground service around the House sale. Here, the customer can choose whether he will pay the usual brokerage or takes a comprehensive service package at a fixed price, claim. Depending on the selected option, seller or buyer can greatly benefit and save money. At the traditional Commission model the usual brokerage commissions amounting to 3.57% incl. VAT, from the notarial purchase price incurred by seller and buyer.

When a value in the six-figure range, so a pretty penny on closing costs comes together. Fancy, to hire a real estate agent has gone. While many real estate sellers and buyers would like the support of a professional real estate agent. So a real estate sale is connected with a lot of organization and time: ads, wise “Sales arguments develop, appointments and not to forget the annoying” paperwork, which incidentally still falls. A real estate sale is more work than you think! Since then lurks until the conclusion of the contract, the one or the other (evil) surprise, that you are not prepared. Sebastian Kohlstetter, Kohlstetter real estate, complements the usual estate agent and refers to a new concept, that in Germany only a few real estate agents is implemented. As a progressive company, we combine experience in real estate sales dynamically with new developments.

We respond quickly and are for our customers on the latest market action. This includes our new fixed price model, which significantly increases the real estate opportunities. Buyers and sellers save a lot of time and money”. The model has the character of a private sale. The seller pays a set amount of money. Kohlstetter real estate acquires all bureaucratic and time-intensive work, such as pricing, Prospect selection, contracts, correspondence and targeted marketing.