The agency warns that Saturday will be the hottest day. On Thursday the thunderstorm activity in the peninsular Centre will be strengthened. Temperatures tend to rise Wednesday between two and three degrees Centigrade on Tuesday in Aragon, Catalonia and Northern Valencia. Starts a very slight drop in the peninsular Northwest, so that thermometers are placed around the 40 degrees Celsius in the Central and southern Iberian Peninsula. The Meteorological Agency maintains the alert by heat in more than 25 provinces. But the worst is yet to come.

The spokesman of the Aemet, Angel Rivera, has warned that Saturday will be the hottest day. Thursday Rivera pointed out that on Thursday will reinforce the thunderstorm activity especially in the peninsular Centre, where from the early morning and later will be activated in the last hours of the day. Rivera believes that these storms will also be scattered and important but will serve to cool the atmosphere, While in the peninsular interior thermometers will fall about two or three degrees, i.e. heat, but less stressful than on Wednesday. On the other hand, indicated that any rain could register in the peninsular Northwest by the rubbing of a storm that will pass through the North of the Peninsula. Friday the spokesman of the Aemet expected for Friday temperatures keep similar to on Thursday as well as any storm in the northern third and the eastern half. At the same time, has pointed out that there is a small chance that a storm the cold that will have formed on Thursday to the West of the Peninsula, and it seems that it remain stationary until Sunday, moved entering Spain leaving some rainfall and storms. In any case, estimated that there is a possibility of 30 per cent of this happening: most likely cannot come and be a hot time with very few storms.

The hottest Saturday while, on Saturday will be the hottest day since temperatures will rise a little more and will be the values of Tuesday and Wednesday. The areas of greatest heat will be the Mainland northern third where rise clearly and also in the rest of the country least in Andalusia, where will remain about the same. Thus, in the southern third is arrive to 39 or 40 degrees Celsius and 39 degrees Celsius in the downtown area. Also some storms may occur in the Northwest. Finally, said it seems very likely that Sunday a disturbance between the peninsular Northwest and crosses the North, leaving rain and abundant storms to his step, causing a decline in temperatures of light character to moderate in the Atlantic slope. Source of the news: the Aemet maintains alerts by heat in more than 25 provinces