And the amount of possible loss, depending on the date of acquisition of real estate may not be strongly differ from the loss of "losers>. During the third same type of modern homebuyers can only rejoice. Let's call it "favorites>>. These are the subjects of the market that have managed to wait until the bottom of it, if only the price of housing in the spring and summer of 2009 can be called "bottom >>(!) As is known, each with the" bottom of the market>> suddenly can open a second "bottom>>. As if there were no "favorites>> today are the most successful players on the Ukrainian market Real Estate. After all, they bought square meters at the most attractive prices in the past few years. Especially fortunate and prudent, even managed to sell the existing property at the peak of prices, ie early Autumn 2008, and to acquire better properties (for example, sold a house on the secondary market and purchased in the primary, or else sell the property to house the older buildings, and acquired in building a more modern home, or expand existing living space, acquiring a more spacious housing).

"I saved – so earned>> – proverb says, and on the" favorites>> it fully confirms its meaning. The main danger for favorites – it's become a "hurry up>> a couple of months, if the Ukrainian real estate prices continue their decline. What are referred to the most attractive real estate prices as at August-2009? As I mentioned above, on average they differ by a factor of price policy on the real estate market years ago in September 2008.