On the other hand, he will have to contain objectives how much to conversational the practical ambientao and of careful abilities and dialogues, abilities of critical and creative thought, and, finally, abilities of philosophical inquiry. In this perspective, the lessons of Philosophy must be come back toward an analysis of the reality, perpassando for questions concerning the proper pupils and of the professor. But, this does not happen without scienter on the part of the educator, who stops arriving at this objective, must create an environment, in its questionador, classroom, concrete, in which the pupil has the thought freedom, seen autonomy and either as one to be capable to produce and to transform the reality where it lives. CURRICULAR STRUCTURE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE INFANTILE EDUCATION AND LESSON OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE INFANTILE EDUCATION In it I capitulate VII and VIII Wedge (2002) backwards a light the question of the structure curricular of the philosophy in the infantile education and the lesson of philosophy in the infantile education. According to author the resume of philosophy in the infantile education must have as axle reflexivas attitudes, thematic questions, philosophical abilities. Each teacher will have to elaborate a program of attitudes that looking for to develop definitive subjects and ability in the pupil. As Wedge the thematic questions can turn on the following thematic fields: Sensations or pulses of liking; Friendship or ethical pulso; Courage or libertarian pulso; the tolerance before difference or the democratic pulso. It must be removed generating words of conversion or quarrel which must suggest you intrigue this child. It must correspond to the partner-emotional and intellectual interest of the child (doubt, fear, suspense, curiosity etc.). The teacher must provoke the development of philosophical abilities by means of determined operators who as author are usual expressions, that appear in the questions of the teachers stimulating the development of certain abilities (Who were in such place? What you understood therefore) The operated ones must provoke the pupils to produce answers constructed from definitive tools of thoughts that are expressions that the pupils use to organize its answers to the questions initiated for the operators.