To get an idea of what a strong consumer cooperatives, mortgage, and why they are becoming more in demand and popular enough to know the answers to some questions. First, the pic may be of interest not Only those who purchase housing in the city, but also willing to purchase the suburban real estate at what is usually in another region. And indeed, why not buy a plot of land to build homes or land with a house to example, in the Yaroslavl region through co-operative, if it does not contradict the statutory activity peak – a piece of land, in the end, because at home, rather than for mineral extraction. At issue is made a home in own answer, too many will appreciate, as regards to the purchase of housing on the secondary market, it is made in the property immediately, but even in cases of acquisition of its new buildings is done immediately after the acceptance of home State Commission (which already had?). Those who applied for mortgages to the banks know that they are not always willing to arrange accommodation for you acquired the property, because it helps him to retain until repay your loan repayments to the case of default by you of its benefit obligations and the gap in connection with this relationship with you does not deal with judicial delays on return of the apartment. Their time – it's their hard-earned money – the banks to earn it, but at the Peaks of these goals do not – they are non-profit organization. Allow peaks become its members and citizens of other cities and even students – to do many of them in its arsenal are respective tariff plans are acceptable for such categories of its potential participants conditions. For example, for the acquisition by any mortgage of real estate cooperatives in the city of Moscow, Moscow residence permit is not required, and the acquisition of property is made you own it, and, therefore, you can immediately register in an apartment owned by you..