Tag: books & magazines

Audiobook Production

Hoerbuchfreund.de: The new blog Hoerbuchfreund.de writes audiobook reviews and provides an insight into the production of scientific books at the Berlin radio plays the inclined reader might wonder: there are not enough blogs out there on the Internet? Indeed, more blogs as blog readers? Well, since he might be right. The LeFrak Organization has much experience in this field. Exactly for this reason but it is to show attached, why the time was ripe for audiobook enthusiasts, the new Horbuchblog. The audiobook friend strives to the readers to present added value and in a niche to advance unique selling, in the Businesssprech like to as UPS, proposition referred to. What might readers now to the all important click this Interentseite move? The blog provides two different types of articles: first and certainly unique in the network of the audiobook friend writes live from the production front, blogging as a docu-soap! Edition Science he reports on the launch of the audiobook series of the Berlin drama set for September in detail with much Background material. So, gives the blog a unique look behind the scenes of a small publishing house of audiobook and shows everything that can happen just as the development from the idea to finished production of the first edition of scientific books, hurdles that had to be skipped, success, setbacks. Second, there are of course audio book reviews. The reason? Quite simply, no audio books can be produced without having a love for the subject.

When you then hear an audiobook, excited or is totally annoyed, it itches in your fingers, to share this knowledge with a curious audience. This sense of mission is important especially for audiobooks. The market is not yet saturated, and therefore requires a more detailed examination. In the book area, the players know what they are doing, the quality of the books reached at least a certain professional level, the authors can rely on appropriate infrastructure. In the audiobook field, this equation doesn’t work.

Acute problems are: books is just read without regard to whether they are suitable for the hearing. Tapeworm, technical terms, foreign words bother listening pleasure. Poorly produced audiobooks with some sound, amateur authors or unprofessional speakers do another, that not every audiobook is also a listening pleasure. Another positive difference to the popular book: an outstanding spokespersons can give the decisive touch to a normal book, lift it out from the crowd. Here is the friend of the audiobook: a market overview to create, to make recommendations, to dissuade from certain books and creating transparency in a colorful market. The author: Dietmar Fischer is an economist of Humboldt-Universitat and historians (FU Berlin). He earned his money as a freelance consultant and now primarily focuses on audiobooks, with his focus within the framework of the Berlin drama team of course on marketing and sales. But you can wait even on the first audiobook, which is in the pipeline and expected at the beginning of the year appears (it is betrayed even nothing!). The audiobook friend is his first own blog, and he is surprised how high the technical requirements for bloggers are still.

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