Some people live imprisoned to the past, forget to live the gift. I am of opinion that passed belongs to the museum and the future is an incognito. Therefore my concern is only with the gift, today, now, already! When the past in the ones backwards good memories, is until permissible relembrar. To be remembering things that make in them badly and they leave in them sad is burrice. You can ask: the future? We do not have worrying in them about it? We can yes, but since that it is a healthy concern, without turning paranoia. Many friends mine had left of living a great love, for thinking excessively about the future. To read more click here: james king. To think if would give certain, if she would be the certain person, and this consumed the relationship and the time passed, passed the moment, was lost in the time. Others leave of living the gift, because they are imprisoned to the past.

A past of sadnesses, lies and lack of love. Simply they do not obtain to give the first step to be gotten rid of these bad souvenirs. We go to live the moment, to be happy with what we have and not to want the impossible one. Princes, Princesses and witches, only exist in accounts of fairies. Nobody is perfect, needs to accept the people with its defects and its qualities, not to want that they correspond to an image created in our imagination. The Life is beautiful very good e, us is that we complicate!