This product is to be marketed in different parts of the world. Every time someone buys a product you receive residual income from your franchise no matter where you are. The purpose of having a business is to network. General passive income that you can say tomorrow I’m going for USA, to enjoy a vacation and you will not feel the headache of having debts. You have to spend all day stuck in an office and keep scolding from his boss , stressed by the work pending or the amount of work to do feeling that you are not receiving fair pay or work capacity, watching the years pass and you are always the same. In my lectures I always say this: if you want to get something different you have to do something different. You see a person who has some twenty years older than you, but having the same profession as you, if that person has not changed and is not generating a strong income, which is thoroughly enjoying quality life, that’s what you, what awaits you.
Why would that be different? Start from today, to change and learn to take control of your life, before others take it for you, and do not have the compassion needed, simply because you are paying a small monthly salary. I want you to reflect for a moment. Form a team of leaders who in turn will train other leaders. If you focus on this direction then you have the measure of victory won, that the organization will growing, while you’re absent or present, if you learn to develop other leaders, are in the right direction but still have to learn something more, that these people who you train them must also train other leaders that is the greatest legacy and guaranteed victory of an organization, these persons should continue your legacy to continue recruiting and training potential leaders and reproduction of third generation leaders, then you saw the way how to promote your MLM business, all the great leaders WHY do not you do it? It’s the smarter way to promote your business is to start selling information on “how to” instead of launching your business from scratch.