Your first actions should be: Stay in place long enough where the dog last saw you, do not run around the neighborhood, and do not call the dog from various places – they have more sensitive ears, and they will rush followed by your voice. If you do decide to leave, then mark the place of losing some of its thing. As often as possible back to the place where the dog was gone. It is likely that the animal will resort there for a few days. It is particularly important to be there in the first hour, with the best loud call a dog or a whistle. Call a support team to get them started beleaguer area and scour it, but not shouting from all places in all ways … Divide District Search among all equally, but so would most likely get you. After this, go around the usual places of your walks.

Do not hesitate to ask passers-by, and especially in the grandmothers sitting on benches, maybe they saw your dog. Take the quest is not fifteen minutes on the run, but at least an hour, it is desirable to go slowly, because then the dog will be more likely to take your trail and find your house itself. This is one of the most effective ways. Make a 100 color photos and write back your phone and give them to all the kennel, which will meet during the search. Dog lovers – only people who really understand the severity of loss and need help.