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River San Francisco

By consequence, the country is dominated by the corruption in all the levels and the judiciary power collaborates with everything this due to seriousness and punishment. The question of the infrastructure as housing, sanitation, treatment of garbage, roads, arborization, urbanization, familiar agriculture, leisure and healthy diversion, the come back preservation of the environment and questions stops familiar values, ethics, honesty and education, all had been forgotten and banalizadas. A people who loses its education and ethics if becomes poor person, vulnerable and without route. The president of a nation that is governing the country from the cabinet, if becomes only one figure of joint for interests of the great entrepreneurs and political parties. We daily attend the propagandas of the government that they completely show Brazil far from the reality that we also live and, we only hear a colloquy for the radio that is the communication channel of our president with the people, that is an unilateral colloquy. In the last few decades, the proven cities and in the interior had had a decreasing curve in all the directions. The managing plan, urban planning does not exist exactly and therefore: urban housing, feeding, colleges, schools, hospitals, roads and transports had gotten worse very and. The cities of the interior are in a true abandonment and the better capitals are not nothing.

therefore we see these floods attacking hundreds of cities. The rain that would have to be a source of wealth and solution for the population, due to planning and preventive infrastructure if became disaster reason and destruction and when it is not rain, dries the retrocession complete. In fact, it has necessity of a connection between the problems and the necessities and entailing and otimizaes of the measures and solutions. We reiterate our invitation our president of the republic for a trip of all the cities and towns, of bus, that can be bus of plateaus with its comitiva, together with the ministers of the interior and the cities. After a trip of these the government it will know what it is happening in Brazil, and only will perceive that the current measures are very superficial and isolated, that the set free mounts of money for the city halls for the governments are not used to advantage of correct and efficient form, that the people did not have no improvement of life with the majestical workmanships, and that only the great companies had been benefited.(Example: Transposition of the River San Francisco). Perhaps laterof this trip the government will initiate a true construction of Brazil.

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The Apartment

Liveing in apartment the situation she would be complicated. A mansion of a friend and remained there per one weeks. The day arrived to go for the farm. Pick-up with would carroceria full. it there looking at. It was to open the door and it already of ready if it installed to the side of the driver. It understood well? It does not place in would carroceria exactly, being full that it polishes. I understood.

Doctor the Coiote disappeared. It guesses that day was? Anniversary of the Mauricio. Two years looking for. Oh! Doctor you could set appointments a visit in my farm, to select Nelores heifers? Barks. Running of cachorros. Father! He looks at the Coiote. Lean, full of bernes, hurt. The Mauricio recognized.

To explain what? We come back toward the farm. We move for Curitiba. When it was buying special the plastic box for air transportation of cachorros, the Chico telephoned. The Coiote died. Of homesicknesses. we still feel homesicknesses. Several had been the other cachorros. But one day the Camila decided that it wanted why wanted, a Cofap dog. But Camila is not Cofap. He is yes equal that one of the shock absorber. I gained a female Basset Dachshund. Name? Perestrika. For the close ' ' Pere' '. Companheirona of first. Amiga through thick and thin and all the moments. It was a madness alone. It took it to the Mauricio to take sea bath. It adored to play with water. Intelligent. Brave. Braba and defender of the Camila. Jalousie that it gave d. Father runs. Total arrhythmia. Irregular pulse. Infarct. It runs for the clinic. Procedure standard. Stabilized. The white and scared Camila. Running. Cardiac arrest. It came back. Doctor we go to make the following one. Any abnormality I telephone. He touched the telephone. He did not resist. I cry convulsive. It gave d.

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