– Devolution of Deposits. It returns to the deposit of proximate damages after the verification of the property and with a pleasant note, thanking its stay without problems and inviting the customers to come back. If it will not be made by email, it sends the deposit in return of controlable form with acknowledgment of receo. – Feedback. It can have questions that had appeared, but that the guests were shy excessively to argue with you and/or that they do not want to make complaint of some of its employees, nominated a manager of properties will have itself who is not to make its work well and the problem was related with it. It always presents a way of to give to its guests the discrete chance to reach it directly, in the case of its manager of property not to be to manage the complaints of the guests well. He is easy for the property managers to skirt its knowledge of the told problems if you will be an absent proprietor. Before he has potential damages for the reputation of its property, nominated if the guests start to postar negative commentaries in the Internet.

– To say always obliged. Its guests are the source of the success of its house of vacation, at least deserve to be thanked personally or in writing. He arranges time to by hand write a note of Debtor with the card of its property. He can be an intelligent play to offer a discounting to them in the next stay or one bnus special case it advises the house to its friends (He uses a special code so that you know of which customer they you had been recommended). He is rare nowadays to receive notes from personal gratefulness, this goes to make its lodging of vacation to be distinguished for the positive. If you to follow advice presented on, yielded gentily for Algarve Property Management in the management of its property, it can become much more that only another transitory house: the house very becomes one pleasant memory for its visitors and at the same time well-occurred and income-producing for you.