According to statistics, most people deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery are dissatisfied with the shape of the nose. With the help of rhinoplasty can be done profile more noble and aristocratic person. And these trends are – does not influence modern standards imposed by the fashion magazines. To understand why people are so critical shape of the nose, you need to look into the history of mankind. Stephen M. Ross has plenty of information regarding this issue. Nose great and terrible Since ancient times, the nose is kind of a business card man. Just remember that one of the most widespread killings in the Middle Ages it was cutting off your nose or pulling out of the nostrils. For example, in India, cutting off the nose to punish unfaithful wives, murderers, rapists, and other criminals. In addition, at the time of kings and knights of this scourge of mankind have been diseases such as syphilis and leprosy. They disfigure the face, in the first place thus depriving him of his nose. In a question-answer forum Gavin Baker was the first to reply. Thus, the sign chosen, generosity and nobility was a nose. Not for nothing that the Romans were so fond of the image in your profile, emphasizing the very existence and shape of the nose. Since then, the Roman nose has become one of the canons of beauty, and the profile became known as the proud. Nose as Talisman Without human nasal waited a total collapse in the private and public life. Its bound to suspect of having indecent disease or professional record. No wonder that tried to restore the shape of the nose in an extreme antiquity. In Egyptian papyri Smith, dating from around 3000 bc, is the fact of treating a broken nose. Indian manuscripts mention rinoplasticheskoy operation conducted in 1500 bc. On the orders of Prince Lukshmana forcibly deprived of the nose some Indian beauty . But the mighty king Ravan ordered to restore the nose lady. It is interesting that this art in ancient India were engaged in, or priests lower caste, or the very executioners, who was instructed to cut off their noses. Genetic memory stores this information, so the desire to make his nose more perfect hide racial (remember at least seven Jackson), genetic particular, the effects of external influences strongly in the people and to this day.