The energy pass in Spain as well duty never since 1st June 2013 in Spain, all real estate only with appropriate energy certificate sold or rented. In the case of a purchase of notarization, the energy performance certificate by the notary to the new buyer is passed. LAS ANCLAS in Ibiza, property owners are inmobiliaria according to Ulrike Skories, Managing Director of the agency responsible for the appointment and the availability of the certificate. Energetic properties such as heat, cold and light consumption are measured in this certificate. Emissions in comparison to the extent of the property is determined by 7 color-coded stepped beams from A to G in an ascending scale of CO 2.
The report includes enhancement proposals by a higher qualification could be obtained, although a minimum qualification is not necessary. This card not has real significance to the quality or high quality real estate”real estate agent of Ulrike Sampson. In principle is There is more to the measured emission values and the compliance with a new EU law.” Popular technical refinements are punished some more, because they energetically standards not the desire of the EU.” The card must be issued by a licensed professional (architect or engineer) who visited the property on the ground. The certificate is officially registered and then delivered a plaque to the holder. The energy passport has a validity of 10 years.
The price can usually between approx. 160,-euro are nearly 1.000,-euros plus tax and depends on the responsible professional as well as the size of the property. Real estate agency LAS ANCLAS Ibiza advises: Beware of special Internet offers. Often, these certificates are not registered or do not meet the requirements in certain criteria. Instead of saving money, you pay eventually double.” According to Royal Decree of 5 April 2013, threatening sellers and landlords who offer their property without energy performance certificate and apply fines of up to approximately 6.000,-euro. At Need help real estate agent customers with regard to the recommendation of qualified service partner happy and free of charge.