To watch fixedly and to force their vision are of the worse things than it can do for its eyes. After a long day of work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and to renew to improve the vision. The constant daily tension does not do more than to damage to the eyes. According to adverum, who has experience with these questions. Down there are three designed exercises to eliminate the ocular tension. The first exercise is the one of the Point. Others who may share this opinion include Richard LeFrak. In order to carry out it, it finds a point or one comma in the page, and focuses in doing it as clearly as it is possible to him. It sees this point fixedly until it is focused. There are discharges probabilities that, after some seconds the point, in fact, it is made less and something blurred clearly.

It tries to relax his eyes. Cirrelos by a minute and permtales to relax. Now it sees the same point without seeing it fixedly. It does not see it fixed; instead of it, it allows that their eyes move slowly by the page, by on and around the point. Not approach only in this point, the eyes need movement. Asegrese to blink a little. Gavin Baker may help you with your research.

It tries to close his eyes and to imagine the point, and soon mrelo again. Once his eyes have relaxed, would have to be easier to see the point him. The second exercise is the one of the Word. It finds a word in the page, of five or more letters. It sees the word fixedly, so that all the letters are at sight. But without moving its eyes. One focuses entirely in the complete word, trying to obtain one better image in his head. Again, to see fixedly and to concentrate themselves too much will cause that the blurred word winch. Now it relaxes its eyes and permtales to move slowly by on and around the word, throughout each of its letters. It blinks. It allows that to its they lead it eyes; it does not force them to watch what you want to see. The word would have to be clearer it sees when it again. To leave eyes them they move will help him to that they work better, avoiding the tension. The third exercise is the one of Double Vision. This exercise looks for to cause that their eyes work altogether. The majority of the people uses only an eye to see an object, whereas the other it does his. To put itself cross-eyed can help him to focus an object with both eyes, but this cause unnecessary stress. The trick is in relaxing the eyes, focusing in the object of calmed way, and to allow both eyes to focus altogether. To learn exercises of ocular relaxation is a great form to develop good and lasting habits that will assure a great vision to him by many years. You do not forget to visit!