Temporary metamorphosis street of the 17th of June was transformed by Losberger fashion tent in catwalk with great success was in January 2013 the first of two this year’s fashion week in Berlin with the presentation of the coming autumn and winter fashion to end. In view of the ten-year fashion week anniversary a record number was attracted about 250,000 visitors, who were inspired by the unique blend of creativity, professionalism, ingenuity, innovation and style in Berlin. Meanwhile, one Berlin locations down to the fashion week and attracts people from all cultures and countries around the world. A focal point of the fashion week was the 155-meter-long fashion tents of Mercedes-Benz fashion week, which originated the House Losberger as already in the previous year. Again, a large tent variant of Heilbronn-based company with integrated double stock solution was built on the street of the 17th June. The year’s tent was all in black and picked up well by the winter scenery at the Brandenburg Gate. The area amounted to approximately 3400 m and was divided into three sections. For one, there was the catwalk area with a length of 31 m in the back of the tent.
Then were the exhibition hall of the sponsors as well as the V.I.P..-Lounge on the upper floor. The input as also the press and the backstage area for the models completed this unique location. Transparent ceiling and wall panels ensured that the daylight could be optimally utilised. “Furthermore, the topics were eco fashion this year” and sustainable design “in the focus of the fashion designer. Awareness of sustainability, implemented by organic products or fair trade, seems to be more important in the fashion industry as well as in the tent industry. Losberger this development, inter alia in its recent product Palas “with integrated Thermoplane and insulating glass implements.