Recently I wrote an article ( As to stop worrying ) giving you rule that they helped us to surpass certain preoccupations. I have had answers of readers to whom there is very useful similarity to them, but also have received commentaries of which although they are thankful to have been able to relax a little, feel overflowed by the problems; real, tangible and defined problems: economic, labor I sentimental, among others. I understand that you rule given in that one article had two intentions: that we could differentiate preoccupations from problems, and that we were able to adopt the best attitude possible to face both. It seems to me that it had been good also, to mention something that served as aid to see other options at the time of finding an exit. To see if I can amend my error. Unfortunately, I do not have a magical baryta to solve problems, and it is not my intention to try that I have the answer for everything. But it would want to shed light on an aspect that seems to me that the sufficient thing is not mentioned, and is the fear.
I see that the fear is the most common factor at the time of not being able to create the life that we would like to have. When one undergoes an unfortunate marriage during years, the reason behind all the reasons that are adduced not to separate is the fear. Fear to the reaction of the other person, fear to what will say, fear to that it makes worse the economic situation, fear to emotional consequences for the children, to remain the list is only interminable. The same happens when we followed in a work that does poor devils to us. We are scared to leave something has certain security, or certain social, labor or economic status, and not to possibly find anything better.