The essential non-essentials from decisions are initially based on internal company information (products, customers, suppliers and others), increasingly more and more external information (economic, market, competitive data, demographic and geographic data) must be included. Therefore, the system must provide “Information Commons” for all kinds of analysis – and decision-relevant data. “The function can be compared to an interim storage facility in a manufacturing operation: analog to finishing of semifinished products bearing between the production levels that deliver in the operational / trans-action oriented IV systems stored data the raw material to the final Assembly” the decision support information processing. The holistic, more outward-oriented and customer-oriented data view is characteristic for this purpose. Thus, transforms data into comprehensible decision-oriented information units, aggregations made and at the same time corporate data from multiple heterogeneous and inconsistent data sources played together. For more information see this site: adverum. CF. to strategic perspectives among others Jorg Becker: strategy-check and knowledge balance effect relationships make transparent, explore potential for success, ISBN 978-3-8370-7305-8.
To improve both quality and meaningfulness of the analysis data material. Because the operational databases are past oriented, they can support only static projections on future-oriented scenarios. This restriction is bypassed by correlation of external data pools such as addresses, demographic data, and consumer statistics with operational, corporate databases. As well as in a production warehouse, the design of the shelves must be adapted to the physical characteristics of the products, and the system must absorb differently structured data. Analog to the interim storage of production with the storage of semi-finished products, which were not even produced, purchased from suppliers, the internal information processing by external data from suppliers such as Reuters, Nielsen, and others, Federal Statistical Office can be supplemented.
A potential added value with the result how competitive advantages can be developed through appropriate correlation with aggregate operational data. Compared to basic decision-making techniques among others Jorg Becker: success = sum real decisions decision techniques as crisis protection, ISBN 978-3-8391-2906-7 statistical planning techniques are subject to two main restrictions: it must be as continuous data series from the past, for future developments, no major structure dips or parameter changes in the environmental conditions should be expected. For this reason, scenario techniques are suitable as a supplement to purely quantitative techniques as qualitative forecasting and risk analysis tools. Technical developments, demand behavior, stronger competition, or political crises/breaks can cause discontinuities of the environment, on which the companies have little influence. What the system but can identify, is this the most appropriate response. Because while the own imagination often focuses on a linear thinking further, the situation due to o.a. can present themselves suddenly quite different transformations.