Of it are pr inside, when is not allowed to matter? things? that they will go to dilacerar the heart and the mind leaving us impotent. When if it speaks in mattering, that is, to bring for inside of me, things that come in form of verbal language when if receives cursed words, verbal aggressions or, of not verbal form that is for a same gesture or for a physical aggression. In way to a done world of illusions is lived a mental confusion e, how much time if it loses with unfruitful thoughts or how much time if it loses keeping to hurts, renting a great space in the mind? How much time leads to pardon somebody that made in them to suffer? To exactly pardon me for the received offence? to pardon does not mean to forget the fact, therefore, to live always will go in them to send to the past, is description-social beings, but, to remember the fact without if consuming in you distress. This is to pardon. This is to sharpen the instrument.

It does not have an end for the growth possibilities and emotional development and spiritual and, some people say that pass the time that to pass, but, ' ' I go vingar' '. Consequently, the more if he thinks about the fact, more hatred will create. ' ' Irai you and you do not sin; if &#039 does not put the sun on your anger; '. It can be thought that due to this pardon it is lived in a mediocre society. Without affection. Full of diffidence and preconceptions. Without faith. when it is said in faith is not only in God, but, faith in itself proper, in the capacity of being able to redeem, reliable and of wanting a welfare. It is if losing the time to love run-it runs, it frantic in search of the wind has left the man without route.