Campal July was one of the first to realize that there was no other way in the avant-garde poetry that pause, the rethinking of visual thinking, not just its semantics but also the writing itself, its internal structure, and of course, calligraphy, concepts which had been revised some years ago by futurist and Dadaist poets Francesco Cangiullo, Benedetta, Tzara …, well-naturalmete Apollinaire. (a ) At this time, the new generation of visual poets who populate the network belongs entirely to the media world of television, video, virtual reality, advertising and internet, and this implies in itself a great contradiction, since being the work material is the medium itself that poetry remains anchored official and away from these practices experimentalesa a . We might say then that culture "seen" ignores those who handle the raw material of advancing civilization: their images. When Page visited Fernando Millan, heir and friend of Campal, historical, both in the topic that concerns us, I realized that the denial could also be reciprocal, as a mirror belligerent. Fernando Millan's eyes is a look of freedom of action and consciousness, so are many other current avant-garde poets, and this reassures me about the future of this practice misclassified as experimentala a , a ill-defined concretaa , sparingly branded as a visuala . Gone are the years and the creations of magazines and book publishing objects could cause seizures among more progressive circles of culture (between Orthodox easy readers and viewers only had a long, long silence from which not even fought the traditional poetry).