Of wooden structures using precast concrete products. Many vendors advertise with prefabricated houses. Just put together, built cheaply and quickly. However as always the problem in detail. There are many ways of building with prefab House and thus the prices fluctuate too much. In this article you will learn about the most common ways of prefabricated and their differences.
In this article you will find: introducing prefab built cheaply and often: prefabricated house from wood studs massive House prefabricated with wooden panel construction precast concrete products in solid construction Massivhaus prefabricated with brick compound composites introduction prefabricated house under prefab House we understand a House which is already industrially prefabricated. More finished parts such as walls already with electrical and water installations are then transported to the construction site and rebuilt there final. Here, the roads to the land for large vehicles must be suitable, which can actually transport the prefabricated parts. These parts are then with a crane put together. The pure construction time lasts only a few days. However the floor plate like at every other House must be prepared before assembling.
A final interior design is usually also still needed. The finished House is not to be confused, which is only to the expansion level of the House with the turnkey House. Prefabricated houses can be built in several versions. Some of the possible are shown here. Get studs a commonly used construction and also relatively get stand is cheap. The load-bearing structure such as the half-timbered houses of a wooden skeleton is removed. The gaps are filled with insulating material. Due to this construction, the houses need usually little energy for heating because they consist so to speak only of insulating material. So these houses are often financed loan of the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW promotional consultant) with cheap loans. This is a drawback in the value most and offers a disadvantage, if you serious Furniture on which would secure walls. Also, it’s not everyone’s case, it can sound pretty hollow when it knocks against the walls. Wood panel construction something more complex and more expensive is the massive alternative to the wood studs, wood panel construction. The walls consist of wood composite construction that take the load bearing function as a whole. Also this construction offers mostly a low value compared to the massive stone-built stone house. A massive prefab concrete parts the prefabricated buildings are widely known. Quickly set up and in theory also quickly degraded. For the construction of the House, there are some providers who individually build your home as a prefabricated house with precast concrete products in a few days. So, the one or other massive House in this construction is made. The type of concrete that is used varies from vendor to vendor. A prefab concrete parts is usually more expensive than a house built stone on stone. The crane, which is necessary to the construction of the House alone devours much capital. Brick compound composites can also a prefabricated house Stone on stone be built already in the factory Hall. At the brick compound composites are the walls before brick already.